Marie Colvin
Marie Colvin, a famous American female journalist. Before herdeath, she worked as war correspondent for Times. OnFebruary 22, 2012, she was killed by bomb when Syria governmentforces bombarded Holmes. She was born for reporting news, fightingfor humanity until becoming immortal in the warfare. “If you cannotstop the war, then tell the truth about the wars to the world”, andthis is the lasting motto for war correspondent.
Born in beautiful American Long Island in 1956, she was a topstudent of Yale University majored in literature. During her senioryear, she participated in a seminar, which was about the report ofthe Hiroshima bombing made the famous journalist John Hersey. Thismasterpiece of American 20th century press deeplyshocked Marie Colvin. Since 1986, Colvin had been living in theflames of war. In 2001, Colvin went to Sri Lanka to report warfarenews and unfortunately she was attacked by the government force. Atlast she survived but she lost her left eye forever. Colvin put ona black eyeshade and rushed to another battlefield. Death justthreatened her aggressively, but she got faith to fight against it.She insisted that the public had the right to know what the armydid in name of them and it is true that many people were waitingfor your reports and they cared the misfortune and wanted to stopit when you went through fire and water.
By virtue of the reports in Chechnya and Kosovo, she won the“Courage Award” issued by IWMF. She also won the English “BestJournalist Stationed Abroad” due to her reports in Yugoslav. Colvinsaid, “I always concentrate on the humanity in the war and it doesnot seem remote and unfamiliar to those people living the peacefulworld.”
