浅谈妊娠纹肥胖纹 妊娠纹肥胖纹医院


观澜湖高尔夫: @观澜湖高尔夫@小腻腻


最近收到一只传说中的StriVectin-SD Intensive Concentrate ForExsiting StretchMarks(意外抗皱霜),150ML好大一只。这东西说起来也红了快十年了,最初是为消除妊娠纹而研制的,放在高级百货公司里卖。后来据说有人收到试用装,以为是面霜用来擦脸了,意外地发现对改善皱纹有惊人的效果。消息传开此牌大红大紫,常年占据SEPHORA等美妆店抗皱面霜TOPSELLER的宝座,甚至打出了“Better ThanBotox?(比肉毒杆菌更好?)”的口号。在美国不少娱乐界颁奖典礼送给明星们的GoodieBag里,就放着这只意外抗皱霜,是在规劝他们不要打太多针吗?


我做功课时搜出一段解释为何要号称better thanbotox的话,想学英语的不妨仔细读读:

Better than Retinol and Vitamin C, But IsStriVectin-SD Better than Botox*?™

Dr. NathalieChevreau, Director of Women’s Health at Salt Lake City based BasicResearch, exclusive distributor for Klein-Becker, explains, “Manyresearchers believe less invasive cosmetic alternatives are betterthan Botox [sometimes referred to as Botox Cosmetic]. That’sbecause topical creams and gels offer gradual, continual results,while the effects of injections, facial peels, and dermabrasionswear off… in fact, you’ll never look better than you do shortlyafter the inflammation and redness subside. Not one bitbetter.”

"Furthermore," Dr. Chevreau continues, "Botox has been approved bythe FDA for an extremely limited usethe tiny little space of deepfurrows between the eyebrows (called glabellar lines) and can causeside effects such as 'headache, temporary eyelid droop, andnausea.' While StriVectin was not designed to eliminate the deepglabellar lines targeted by Botox, the proprietary StriVectincomplex has been shown to significantly reduce the appearance offine lines and facial wrinkles (including crows' feet) that can add10-15 years to your appearance... the type of fine lines andwrinkles Botox treatments leave behind." In other words, StriVectinhelps give you a youthful, healthy, glowing complexion faster thanretinol, far superior to vitamin C, and without irritation,needles, or surgery.



I recievedthis product as a gift for Christmas. I have two kids and I am 25years old. I recently lost all of my baby weight (30 lbs) and I waslamenting over my stretch marks on my stomach and sides. The worstmarks are on the front of my stomach. I began using the cream thischristmas eve and have used it three times daily since. I havenoticed a difference in the area where the marks were the worst.The not so bad marks have not faded much but the depth and color ofthe deepest stretch marks have almost evened out with the the restof them. My husband and mother also noticed the difference. I alsonoticed the peppermint smell but it doesn't bother me at all. Iwill continue to use it and see what happens.

I would neverexpect it to completely get rid of my stretch marks, however. Thatwould just be ridiculous.

By L. Pedro "The End" (Oceanside,CA)

I have noexplanation for the mixed reviews on this product, but I do knowthat it works for me. I bought it to use on my lingering stretchmarks. It worked pretty well--I was satisfied. They aren't gonecompletely, but pretty close to being gone. I don't notice themanymore. Then I started puting the StriVEctin on my face because itsaid that it helped with Acne scars. I had really bad skin as ateenager and so I had some scars left on my cheeks and temples.After rubbing the cream on for about a month, I noticed the scarswere disappearing. I've been using it for about 5 months now and myacne scars are completely gone! HOORAY! I love having smooth skinnow. I feel much more attractive and don't wear nearly as muchmakeup!

By Carolyn Frieze

I purchasedStriVectin-SD in a kit that contained the cream, the eye cream andthe serum. It was recommended by the skin care specialist at mylocal Sephora, when I asked for something to tighten my skin. Ireally like the serum; I can actually see a difference. I'm nottalking "Oh my stars I look 20 years younger" different, but itreally does diminish the look of lines around my eyes.

But whatreally amazed me....and this is true so help me....is that I'vereceived a few compliments in the past couple of weeks about myskin! I had dinner with some friends last week and one of them (aman) said "Don't you ever age? You look like you did 20 years ago."Then last night I attended a party, and an acquaintance who isabout 25 years younger than I am said "What do you do for yourskin? You look incredible." I attribute some of this to good makeup (I use Bare Minerals), but I've used that for a couple of yearsand never got compliments like that before.

By Genevieve

I have neverseen such dramatic results from any skin cream. I have been usingStrivectin-SD for a little over 3 weeks now. It is a pain to put iton 3 times a day, but the results are worth it. It works, but youhave to use it as directed. 2x a day for wrinkles or 3x a day forstretch marks. I have been using it on large surgical scars andstretch marks. My skin had been purple/pink/red with indented andlumpy spots. The scars and stretch marks are so faded that they arehardly noticable anymore. The lumpy spots are smoother, the coloris normalized, and the thin skin inside the stretch marks lookshealthier. I had an area of darker skin around my waistline frombeing overweight. At 2 weeks that yucky skin was gone!!! Even theskin that was most devastated from my pregnancies looks rathernormal now. My husband is impressed. The cream smells likeessential oil of peppermint. It feels very pleasant on my skin. Itis very concentrated so a little goes a long way. I am using it 3xa day on my face, chest, belly, hips, and thighs and I still haveabout 2oz of my 6oz tube left.

By thank you

I am 53 andstarted with using the Sculpting Strivectin. After 3 weeks andseeing no visible difference, I returned it to Costco and purchasedthe Strivectin-SD. As Im going into my 3rd week of use, I notice myskin is smoother and has more of the youthful fullness I lost 20years ago. I also use ROC as a moisturizer, which I apply firstafter cleansing skin, then I apply the Strivectin SD. I dont alwaysuse it twice a day as recommended due to laziness, but I have tosay there is a noticeable improvement in skin texture andappearance. A friend of mine called me up after seeing me at afunction and asked me "What do you use on your face? You're skin isabsolutely beautiful." She gets laser light treatments and is 52. Icouldn't help but chuckle, as I've read about that happening inother reviews. I haven't found the Strivectin any cheaper thanCostco. If you're not a member, what you save buy purchasing theStrivectin at Costco pays for your membership...no exaggeration.Costco carries 3 types of the Strivectin, which come in 2 packs,often with a BONUS Eye or Hand Cream. Worst case scenario, you canreturn for full refund if you don't like it, and even get a refundon your membership, which you'd be CRAAAAAZY to do. There is noplace I tout higher that Costco!

By Denise E. Jarema "DennyJ







浅谈妊娠纹(肥胖纹) 妊娠纹肥胖纹医院









亚航之家: [红色公告] -13日零点促销预订日期:13-17日。出发日期:明年4月1日至8月11日。国内出发至泰国,马来西亚等城市最低单程(含税)从239-488起(*视城市而定)!吉隆坡中转航班从马币1元起!(丁家奴,槟城,新加坡,兰卡威等等)有问题请留言转发。我们会尽力回复您!谢谢



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