1 Transfer of the Transferred Equity协议股权的转让
2 Payment of the Transfer Price转让价款的支付
3 Closing交割
4 Conditions Precedent to the Closing交割的先决条件
5 Representations and Warranties陈述与保证
6 Rights and Obligations权利和义务
7 Amendment and Termination of the Agreement协议的变更及终止
8 Liability for Breach of Contract违约责任
9 Expenses费用的负担
10 Confidentiality保密
11 Indemnification赔偿
12 Applicable laws and Dispute Resolutions适用法律及争议解决
13 Miscellaneous其他条款
This Equity Transfer Agreement (this “Agreement”) is enteredinto onin ,People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”), by and between:
The Transferors and the Transferee will be individually referredto as “Each Party” and collectively referred to as “theParties”.
1.Weihai China Glass Solar Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) is aSino-foreign equity joint venture company established and validlyexisting under the laws of the PRC. Solar ThinFilms, Inc. contributed USD1,500,000 to the Company, accounting for15% of the registered capital of the Company; Renewable EnergySolutions, Inc. contributed USD500,000 to the Company, accountingfor 5% of the registered capital of the Company;
光电有限公司(“公司”)系一家依据中国法律注册成立并有效存续的中外合资经营企业。Solar Thin Films,Inc.在公司的出资额为150万美元,占公司注册资本的15%;Renewable Energy Solutions,Inc.在公司的出资额为50万美元,占公司注册资本的5%;
2.The Transferee is a company established and validly existingunder the laws of Hong Kong;
3.Each of the Transferors agrees to transfer its entire capitalcontribution in the Company (hereinafter referred to as “TransferredEquity”) to the Transferee; the Transferee agrees to accept theTransferred Equity.
In accordance with the laws and regulations of the PRC, theParties hereby agree to the equity transfer as follows:
1 Transfer of theTransferred Equity协议股权的转让
In accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in thisAgreement, the Transferors agree to transfer the Transferred Equityto the Transferee and the Transferee agrees to purchase theTransferred Equity listed below. The transferprice of the Transferred Equity (the “Transfer Price”) is listed asbelow.
Transferors 转让方 | TransferredEquity (USD$) 协议股权 (美元) | TransferPrice (USD$) 转让价款 (美元) | ||||||
SOLAR THIN FILMS, INC. | 1,500,000 | 1,350,000 | ||||||
RENEWABLE ENERGY SOLUTIONS, INC. | 500,000 | 450,000 | ||||||
Total总计 | 2,000,000 | 1,800,000 |
2 Payment of the TransferPrice转让价款的支付
The Transferee shall pay to the Transferors the Transfer Priceby wire transfer of immediately available funds within thirtycalendar days after the execution of this Agreement in accordancewith the following instructions:
3 Closing交割
Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, theconsummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreementshall take place at a closing (the “Closing”) when all theconditions precedent set forth in Article 4 are fulfilled or waivedin writing by the Parties. The date on which theClosing occurs is herein referred to as the “Closing Date”.
4 Conditions Precedent to theClosing交割的先决条件
The Closing shall take place subject to the fulfillment of eachof the following conditions:
4.1 The other shareholders of the Company shall have waived inwriting the right of first refusal with respect to the TransferredEquity;
4.2 The formation, effectiveness, validity and performance ofthis Agreement is not challenged, restricted or prohibited by anythird party or any court, arbitration institution or relevantgovernment authority of the PRC;
4.3 Each Party shall have completed all the required internalapproval procedures for the Closing pursuant to its articles ofassociation;
4.4 The representations and warranties made by Each Party underthis Agreement is still true and effective at the time of theClosing;
4.5 The transfer of the Transferred Equity shall have beenapproved by the examination and approval authority and registeredwith the local administration of industry and commerce.
5 Representations and Warranties陈述与保证
5.1 Representations and Warranties of theTransferors转让方的陈述与保证
5.1.1 Each Transferor is a legal entity duly established andvalidly existing under the laws of the place of itsincorporation;
5.1.2 Each Transferor possesses full power and authority toenter into and to perform its obligations hereunder, and itsrepresentative has obtained necessary authorization to execute thisAgreement;
5.1.3 The execution and implementation of this Agreement doesnot violate any laws or regulations which are applicable to theTransferors, or any material contracts or agreements in whicheither Transferor is one of the Parties, or any material contractsor agreements which are binding upon either Transferor’sproperties;
5.1.3 There is no existing or potential suit,arbitration or preliminary hearing affecting the execution of thisAgreement or either Transferor’s ability to perform thisAgreement;
5.1.4 All the representations and warranties made by theTransferors are true, authentic and complete on the date ofexecution of this Agreement. Each Transferor acknowledges that allthe representations and warranties shall be true, authentic andcomplete until the Closing.
5.1.5 The Transferred Equity is legally owned by theTransferors. As of the date of execution of this Agreement, theTransferred Equity, free from and clear of any pledge, encumbranceor freeze due to judicial judgment or administrative adjudication,can be legitimately transferred to the Transferee in accordancewith the PRC laws.
5.1.6 Each Transferor is not aware of anycircumstance or legal obstacle which may lead to the liquidation,termination or non-existence of the Company.
5.1.7 The Transferors shall assist the Transferee in promotingthe Company to approve the transfer of the Transferred Equity inaccordance with the articles of association of the Company and inthe preparation of all the documents relating to the transactionscontemplated under this Agreement.
5.1.8 The Transferors shall not sell all or a portion of theTransferred Equity to any third party or set any third partyinterest in any form from the execution of this Agreement to theregistration of the Transferred Equity with the localadministration of industry and commerce.
5.2 Representations and Warranties of the Transferee受让方的陈述与保证
5.2.1 The Transferee is a legal entity duly established andvalidly existing under the laws of Hong Kong;
5.2.2 The Transferee possesses full power and authority to enterinto and to perform its obligations hereunder, and itsrepresentative has obtained necessary authorization to execute thisAgreement. This Agreement constitutes a valid and binding agreementof the Transferee, enforceable against it in accordance with itsterms;
5.2.3 The implementation of this Agreement does not violate anyapplicable laws and regulations or any material contracts oragreements in which the Transferee is a party or which is bindingon the properties of the Transferee;
5.2.4 There is no existing or potential suit, arbitration orpreliminary hearing affecting the execution of this Agreement orthe Transferee’s ability to perform this Agreement;
5.2.5 All the representations and warranties of the Transfereeare true, authentic and complete on the date of execution of thisAgreement. The Transferee acknowledges that all the representationsand warranties shall be true, authentic and complete until theClosing;
5.2.6 The Transferee has conducted its own due diligenceinvestigation of the Company and the Transferred Equity and isfully capable of bearing the economic risks of its investment.
6 Rights andObligations权利和义务
6.1 Rights and Obligations of theTransferors转让方的权利和义务
6.1.1 Each Transferor has the right to request the Transferee topay the Transfer Price on time according to the provisions of thisAgreement;
6.1.2 Each Transferor shall promptly promote the board of thedirectors of the Company to approve the equity transfer pursuant tothe current articles of association of the Company after executionof this Agreement;
6.1.3 Each Transferor shall assist the Transferee and theCompany to obtain all the required governmental approval andregistration for the equity transfer;
6.1.4 Other rights and obligations set forth in thisAgreement.本协议规定的其他权利及义务。
6.2 Rights and Obligations of the Transferee受让方的权利和义务
6.2.1 The Transferee has the right to request each Transferor toassist the Transferee and the Company to obtain all the requiredgovernmental approval and registration for the equity transfer;
6.2.2 After the registration of the Transferred Equity with thelocal administration of industry and commerce, the Transferee shallhave all the rights to the Transferred Equity and all the derivedinterests, and be entitled to undertake the rights and obligationsstipulated in the articles of association of the Company;
6.2.3 The Transferee shall pay the Transfer Price in full to theTransferors on time according to the provisions of thisAgreement;
6.2.4 Other rights and obligations set forth in thisAgreement.
7 Amendment andTermination of the Agreement协议的变更及终止
7.1 Amendment of this Agreement协议的变更
Any amendment and supplement to this Agreement is invalidwithout an executed agreement between the Parties in writing.
7.2 Termination of this Agreement协议的终止
When any of the following circumstances occurs, this Agreementcan be terminated with the Parties’ written consent:
7.2.1 From the execution of this Agreement to the Closing, theapplicable laws and regulations are modified or changed whichsubstantially affect the performance of this Agreement and theParties fail to reach an agreement to amend thisAgreement;
7.2.2 An event of force majeure occurs which renders theperformance of this Agreement impossible;
7.2.3 Other circumstances in which the Parties agree toterminate this Agreement.
8 Liability for Breach ofContract违约责任
8.1 The Transferee is entitled to terminate this Agreement andthe Transferors shall return the Transfer Price received from theTransferee in the event that either Transferor fails to transferthe Transferred Equity pursuant to the provisions of thisAgreement;
8.2 The Transferors are entitled to terminate this Agreement andthe Transferee shall pay for the losses and damages of theTransferors in the event that the Transferee fails to fully pay forthe Transferred Equity on time pursuant to this Agreement.
8.3 In the event that any party fails to perform its obligationsafter the execution of this Agreement, the party shall be regardedas breaching this Agreement. The party who breaches this Agreementshall compensate the other party for all the losses and damages dueto the breach activities.
8.4 The liability for breach of this Agreement shall not beexempted due to the Closing or termination of this Agreement.
9 Expenses费用的负担
The Transferors and the Transferee shall each bear their ownrespective taxes and expenses due to the implementation of thisAgreement. The taxes and expenses which are not clearly defined bythe law shall be equally born by the Parties.
10.1 Without the otherparty’s prior written consent, Each Party may not disclose ordivulge any information related to this Agreement, identificationof the other party, or any business secrets obtained due toexecution and performance of this Agreement.
10.2 If a disclosure is explicitly required by law, any courts,arbitration tribunals or administrative authorities, such adisclosure by Each Party shall not be deemed as a violation ofArticle 10.1 above.
11 Indemnification赔偿
In consideration of the Transferors’ execution and delivery ofthis Agreement and selling the Transferred Equity hereunder, and inaddition to all of the Transferee’s other obligations under thisAgreement, the Transferee shall defend, protect, indemnify and holdharmless the Transferors, and all of their respective affiliates,employees, advisors, and agents (including, without limitation,those retained in connection with the transactions contemplated bythis Agreement) (collectively, the “Transferor Indemnitees”) fromand against any and all actions, causes of action, suits, claims,losses, costs, penalties, fees, liabilities and damages, andexpenses in connection therewith (irrespective of whether any suchTransferor Indemnitee is a party to the action for whichindemnification hereunder is sought), and including reasonableattorneys’ fees and disbursements (the “Indemnified Liabilities”),incurred by the Transferor Indemnitees or any of them as a resultof, or arising out of, or relating to (a) any misrepresentation orbreach of any representation or warranty made by the Transferee inthis Agreement, or any other certificate, instrument or documentcontemplated hereby or thereby, (b) any breach of any covenant,agreement or obligation of the Transferee contained in thisAgreement, or any other certificate, instrument or documentcontemplated hereby or thereby, or (c) any cause of action, suit orclaim brought or made against such Transferor Indemnitee andarising out of or resulting from the execution, delivery,performance or enforcement of this Agreement or any otherinstrument, document or agreement executed pursuant hereto by anyof the Parties hereto. To the extent that theforegoing undertaking by the Transferee may be unenforceable forany reason, the Transferee shall make the maximum contribution tothe payment and satisfaction of each of the IndemnifiedLiabilities, which is permissible under applicable law.
12 Applicable laws andDispute Resolutions适用法律及争议解决
12.1 The conclusion, effect, explanation, implementation anddispute resolutions shall be governed by the rules and regulationsof the PRC.
12.2 The Parties shall solve any dispute or claim arising fromor relating to this Agreement thorough negotiation. If the Partiesfail to reach an agreement after negotiation, the dispute may bebrought to China International Economic and Trade Commission and bedecided according to the then effective rules in Beijing. Thearbitration award is final and binding on the Parties.
13 Miscellaneous其他条款
13.1 This Agreement shall come into effect upon the execution bythe Parties.
13.2 In respect of any items not mentioned in this Agreement,the Parties may agree to enter into a supplemental agreement. Thesupplemental agreement shall take effect upon execution and has thesame legal effect as this Agreement.
13.3 This Agreement is written in English and Chinese. Bothversions shall have the same legal effect.
13.4 Any notices or other correspondences between the Parties inconnection with the performance of this Agreement shall be inwriting and be delivered in person, by registered mail, postageprepaid mail, recognized express mail, email or facsimile to thefollowing correspondence addresses:
本协议各方为履行本协议项下的权利、义务所发出的通知, 都应以书面做成,并以专人递送、挂号邮寄、邮资预付邮寄、认可的快递服务、传真或电子邮件的形式发送到有关一方或各方下列的地址:
Any notice by facsimile transmission or e-mail shall beeffective only if the recipient acknowledges receipt.
13.5 This Agreement has five copies, each of which has the samelegal force and effect.
In witness whereof, the Parties have executed this Agreement asof the date first written above.
Transferors: 转让方:
Authorized Representative:授权代表:
Authorized Representative:授权代表: