HowtoLearnEnglishEffectively learning howto learn

How to LearnEnglish Effectively

“Howto learn English effectively?” Maybe many students have asked aboutthis question many times. Though there is no certain answer to thisquestion, there are some recognized ways that may help you learnEnglish effectively. Understanding them may be helpful to yourfuture English learning.
1. Effective English learning strategies
There are many ways to master English. You can attend Englishlectures at school or college. You can improve your English bylistening to English programs over radios, watching English courseson TV, or learning English through Internet. You can go to theEnglish corners to have a talk with English native speakers,imitating their pronunciation and intonation directly. Then whatare the effective English learning strategies? Although everystudent may have his/her own answer to this question and his/herown way of learning, there is something in common as to what theeffective English learning strategies are.
1.1 Cultivating a good study habit
A famous English philosopher Francis Bacon said:“Choose thelife that is most useful, and habit will make it the mostagreeable”. Good study habit makes you do what you shoulddo. Therefore, if you are eager to achieve success and ifyou want to make good use of the time, you should cultivate a goodstudy habit.

  1. Developing an interest inEnglish

Einstein said: “Interest is the best teacher”.American psychologist Bruner thought the best motivation oflearning is interest. So, we’d better develop our interest inEnglish at the beginning of our study. To develop an interest inEnglish study is not very hard. We may have the feeling ofsatisfaction and achievement from our English study when we areable to say something simple in English, talk with others orforeigners in English and act as others’ interpreters.

  1. Making elaborate and workableplans

Plansare always very essential, so we must make some elaborate andworkable plans before study. Learning English is a hard process ofbrainwork, therefore, persistence and willpower are necessary tocarry out the plan.

  1. Creating a good studyatmosphere

???Watching English movies and English TV programs, readingEnglish newspapers and magazines, listening to English songs andbroadcast, communicating with foreigners, as well as learningEnglish on some special occasions are all excellent and vividEnglish learning ways as we may combine English we learn with somecertain scenes to deepen our memory. So we should create a goodEnglish study atmosphere and find various kinds of opportunities topractice English whenever possible. Only in this way, can we have agood command of English.
1.5 ?Never just memorizing single Englishwords
Many students remember English words every day, but they can’tremember them so they are eager to find an effective way toenlarging their vocabulary. Then what is the effective way?
HowtoLearnEnglishEffectively learning howto learn
First, never just memorize single English words or be a dictionary!Learn by heart the whole sentences and the phrases that contain thenew words so we may know how to use the words. You have tounderstand the words through context. Looking up the meanings ofthe words will broaden your vocabulary while understanding themthrough context will help you remember them and teach you how touse the words correctly. Second, reading English book is a good wayto remember new words. If you cultivate the habit of readingEnglish every day, you will understand and learn to use more andmore words in the context of a passage. Third you may makesentences with the words you want to remember, and then read themaloud to yourself.
1.6 ?Developing the awareness of Englishgrammar
For most students, English grammar can be very challenging. Butthere are no shortcuts. Below are some ways to develop yourawareness of English grammar. If you follow, you will find thatlearning English grammar can be fun as well as functional.
The first step is to know the parts of speech, which is veryimportant because the whole English language is centered on theseparts of speech. Failing to understand even one of these may leadto misunderstanding.
The second step is to identify common mistakes. People who speakthe same language often make the same mistakes in English grammar.Find out what grammar points are often difficult for speakers ofyour native language. Pay extra attention to learning those grammarpoints.
The third step is to understand exactly why each sentence iswritten this or that way. When you read a sentence, ask yourself ifyou can make similar sentences. If you can't or you're not sure,find text book exercises for those grammar points andpractice.
The fourth step is to concentrate on grammar that is difficult foryou. If you are unsure of where your problems are, write a fewshort essays or paragraphs and ask a teacher to circle repeatederrors. Then you can look up your problems and practice it.
The final step is to translate from your native language intoEnglish. When you write or speak your own thoughts, it's easy toavoid complicated grammar. When you translate, you have to workwith whatever is on the page, even if the grammar isdifficult.
1.7 ?Making good use of dictionaries
At least one practicable and usable English dictionary is necessaryfor learning English. Many English learning dictionaries arebuyable in the bookshops. When a new dictionary comes out, the wayit's publicized, the press and the editors are all importantfactors for you to decide whether to buy it or not. Oxford AdvancedLearner’s English-Chinese Dictionary, Longman Dictionary ofContemporary English are the world’s best selling learner’sdictionaries. Both are corpus-based dictionaries. They use the mostaccurate and succinct way of defining a term, and then give goodexamples to illustrate a point. So it’s reasonable to buy one ofthe two dictionaries.
1.8 ?Practicing English whenever possible
I often hear students say like this “I have a bad memory, I alwaysforget what I’ve learned easily!” Whenever hearing this, I ask thestudent the question: “Why do you still remember the sentences‘good morning’, ‘I love you!’?” Their answer is obvious, “because Iuse and see and hear them frequently”. That’s the heart of thematter. Practice makes perfect. The frequently used sentences havebecome part of you. So, practice is the most effective way tomastering English. As long as you keep practicing, you can in theend handle a skill or technique perfectly no matter how difficultit is. Therefore, once you have learned something new in English,try to use them as frequently as possible in your speaking andwriting. Only when you practice it frequently, can you grasp itsooner or later.
1.9 ?Thinking positively and doingpersistently
People who say “I can’t speak English well” are correct. And peoplewho say “Every day in every way, my English is getting better andbetter” are also correct. What you think is what you get. Say thesecond sentence every day, and you will see greater improvement inyour English and confidence.
Excellent personality is one of the decisive factors in Englishstudy. What is success? Success is the reward you get after hardwork and your persistent pursuing. Although all roads lead to Rome,all ways to success are rugged. Only those who are persistent,patient, self-confident and determined can make a success of his orher learning



听力理解的另一个障碍来自中西文化的差异。不同文化中的语言符号有着不同的意义和含义,能够引起人们不同的联想。比方说红色在中国被认为是吉祥喜庆的颜色,因此有“红包”,“红运”,“开门红”之说,而在西方文化中,红色常常蕴含“危险”,“生气”之意,如“bein the red (赤字;亏空)”,“red alert(紧急警报)”等。这样的例子不胜枚举。只有熟悉了这些差异才能更好地了解篇章的含义。因此,同学们要通过各种渠道,构建听力理解所需广泛的背景知识和充分的文化底蕴。


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Nunan,David(ed). Practical English Teaching 体验英语教学.高等教育出版社.2003(英)Harmer,Jeremy.The Practice of English LanguageTeaching(ThirdEdition)英语语言教学的实践.北京:世界知识出版社,2003.10策略·风格·归因:学会学英语:le

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