Some chefscall them”lovebirds”, a romantic dish for that apecialoccasion.
Properlycooked, they’re as tender asbutter.适当烹调后,肉质像黄油般滑嫩。
They canbe roasted,stuffed with wide rice or barley…也可以塞入野米或大麦炙烤
Or you canbroil them, peach them, barbecue them, and even braisethem.或是烘焙,水煮,烧烤,甚至可以炖煮。
Butthere’s no greater sin than to overcook a quail.最大的罪恶就是把鹌鹑煮的过熟
Properlycooked, it must have a touch of pink on thebreast.烹煮的刚好,胸肉要呈现粉红色。
But if youneed a right quail, it has to be fleshly or it dries out tooeasily.
It makestheir taste richer and more robust.吃起来的味道浓厚香醇。
A side oftruffle ravioli and wild mushrooms goes deliciously well with them…松露意大利饺和野菇是完美配菜
Of course,you can also cook them in a pig’s bladder…当然也能塞进猪膀胱烹煮
…in a mixof Madeira and cogmac. 混搭马得拉和科涅克酒提味更好
Yousee,the bladder helps protect the quail,keeps it moist.猪膀胱包住鹌鹑,肉汁不会流失。
You couldserve it with a tender sauce of thyme, spring onions…可以用百里香,青葱
…caramelized shallots,truffles.爆油葱和松露做成酱汁。
Trufflesgo perfectly with almost any quail dish…松露可以搭配任何鹌鹑料理

Becausethey elevate the delicate taste. 因为它具有提味的作用
Are youfeeling okay? 你还好吧
I’m fine,go on. 很好,继续说
Theywonderfully elevate the delicate taste of the quail.松露呢个让鹌鹑的味道更香甜。
But youhave to really be able to afford truffles…但是你得买得起松露才行
Otherwiseyou just better forget about it. 不然就最好想都别想
Now, for aappetitizer, I suggest 至于前菜,我建议
Kate,would you mind if I change the subjuct for a moment?凯特,我换个话题,好吗
Why do youcome to see me every week? 你为什么每周来见我
My bosssaid she’d fire me if I didn’t get therapy.我不来就会被老板开除。
And why doyou think she thinks you need therapy?她为什么觉得你需要心理治疗
You knowwhat? 你知道吗
I haven’tthe faintest idea. 我也搞不清楚
Orderingtwo tasting menus, fire two amuse-bowche.两份尝鲜菜单,准备两道前菜。
Leah,Ineed a quail and a Dover sole for table nine.黎儿,九号桌要鹌鹑和多佛比目鱼
I’m stillwaiting on those beef tenderloins, where are they? Pick up.我还在等那道烧烤牛里肌肉,到底在哪里,快上菜
Terrime,carpaccio. 法国派,义式生牛肉
Excuse me,you should know Hal Reeves says the lamb…大厨,丙夫说烤羊排
…has neverbeen so good before. Really? And what would he know?美味级了,他怎么知道
Kate, thePetersons are here. They wanna tell you how brilliant you are.毕氏夫妇想说你是顶级厨师
Brilliantchefs belong in the kitchen. At least say hello.但顶级厨师都留在厨房。至少去打声招呼。
You knowthey’re some of my best customers. 他们是常客
In aminute, just don’t cook them too long. Because they get…一下子就好不要煮太久,不然会
They gettough, I know. No, dry. 会变太硬,是太干涩。
I gettough, quail get dry. 我会变强硬,鹌鹑会变干涩。
Kate, Iwanna go over the menu for next week.凯特,我想讨论下星期的菜单
Later,okay? 待会,好吗
You’re amagician, kate. 你真是个料理魔法师。
And youknow my husband sings your praises constantly.我先生一直对你赞不绝口。
In fact,It’s hard not to be jealous. 很难不吃你的醋。
I worshipanyone who can surprise my palate.我崇拜能让我的味蕾惊喜的厨师。
It’salways a pleasure to cook for you both.很荣幸为你们服务。