“你看到了那些黄昏,你感到了那些落寞,你追忆似水年华,你寻找安宁宽恕。亲人,老友,那些或深或浅的依恋,那是你一生仅有的能证明你曾经鲜活的生命。” 影片没什么奇峰突起的剧情,但在三位老戏骨的演绎下,满目都是浓浓的旧日好时光。永远年轻永远热血沸腾的期望是平凡度日之暇的一抹微光,正如片中每日缩在家中画日出的道克,当影片最后他和瓦尔在朝阳中向着命运肆意射击的时候,这一刻的阳光在他眼中必定美过他笔下的每一道光线。 最庄严的死亡不是盛大的排场和奢华的墓葬,而是直到最后一秒也不向命运屈服的强硬。片中的老流氓们,被时代遗忘、苟且度日、挂在氧气瓶上,但在人生尽头迸发的生命活力却和当年一样炽热。影片中没有老去的角色走进夕阳的镜头,而让他们在朝阳里告别了世界,这是对不屈服不妥协的人生最好的致敬——再不疯狂我们就真老了。 主题曲很有味道,Not Running Anymore。带着耳机,静静地听着,温暖的伤感 Blessme father I have sinned,
I'm not sure where to begin.
I won't name names or where I'vebeen,
But I've been there and backagain.
No Hail Marys will save me,
You learned to live withmemories,
Here, slip this sinner up yoursleeve,
Just stay inside until Ileave.
I've been running, alwaysrunning
Never have both feet on thefloor.
I've been running, alwaysrunning,
Now I'm not runnning anymore...
The hands of time may tick nomore
Let darkness fall upon thisdoor
No waves will wash up on thisshore
I won the fight but lost thewar.

I've been running, alwaysrunning
Never had both feet on thefloor
And I've been running, alwaysrunning
Now I ain't running anymore.
There were roses I have loved
Who've given or have given up
I pushed your patience and myluck
It wasn't love I didn't trust
It wasn't you, or me, or us
You've shouldered ifs,
and ands, and buts
It's that way ok, I've said toomuch
But I've been running, alwaysrunning
Never had both feet on thefloor
I've been running, alwaysrunning
Now I ain't running anymore