Broccoli: A Wonder Vegetable
Next time your child asks why they have to eat broccoli, you cangive them the reason – thanks to scientists who made people eat itevery day for three months.
They discovered that a chemical found solely in the vegetable helpsmaintain the health of the tiny "batteries" which power the body’scells.
This, it is thought, helps ward off health problems includingcancer and heart disease.
Scientists from the Institute of Food Research in Norwich randetailed blood tests on men and women before and after they ate thevegetable.
Nineteen volunteers ate 400g of broccoli a week – three florets aday – alongside their normal food for three months.

Another 19 ate a "super-broccoli" called Beneforte, which is bredto be extra-rich in glucoraphanin, a plant chemical.
The final group ate peas.
Eating the glucoraphanin-rich broccoli led to improvements in thevarious chemical reactions that go on inside mitochondria, the"batteries" in cells.
They also have several other vital functions, which all need to bein balance for good health.
While researchers believe the same benefits could be obtained byeating normal broccoli, there’s some bad news if you’re not a fanof it – they think you’d need to eat three times as much.
Researcher Professor Richard Mithen said: "Mitochondria are really,really important and when they start to go wrong it leads onto manyof the diseases of aging."
"We think this provides some evidence as to why people who eatdiets rich in broccoli may keep in good health."
He added: "The message is to eat a balanced diet and get someexercise and if you want to eat Beneforte broccoli, that’s all welland good and it may give you a little extra benefit. "