1.Viewer discretion is advised
2.J.P. Getty had a formula for success.Formula是公式,很常用的单词,数学公式也是它。 J.P.Getty: JeanPaul Getty (December 15, 1892 –June6, 1976) was an American industrialist and founder of the GettyOil Company. Rise earyly, work hard,strike Oil. 他说的话
3.As a devoted student of your work skills,I really lookforward to progress on your plan, Micheal. . Devoted.忠实地,专心地,投入地. Progress. 这里是实施
4.I’m looking forward to you getting off my back .别缠着我。Get off sb’s back.也有嘲笑某人的意思。
5.I’m so ready to get out of here anytime you are=I’m so ready toget out of here anytime you are ready.
6.So we have no leverage. 我们没有筹码了
7.Let’s keep on track. 让我们回到正题上吧
8.Something inconspicuous. 不显眼的
9.Military jeeps patrol the perimeter at night. Patrol.巡逻。Perimeter. Peri-这个词根,意为“近,周”的意思
10. I’m also going to needsome binoculars. 双眼望远镜
11. The grate andbars are weak. 壁。
12. That should prove somedistraction inside. 娱乐,分心。
13. I saw the glarefrom the sun hit this guy. 光

14. It’s not much of abreak.
15. 纸上的字STAMPEDEmonvment@12:21、
16. pariah. 贱民
17. Jack Daniels.一种威士忌的牌子。该酒场用传统的滴酿方式酿威士忌
18. Rabid insomniac.狂暴的失眠者。
19. Just like you reekof live bait. Reek of 发臭气
20. Prior to thisexperience, I had the utmost respect for the law. Utmost.根限的,最大的
21. This guy thinks he’sauditioning for Buckingham Palace.我觉得直译应该是:给白金汉宫招人。就是他以为自己掌握一切
22. Twice in the last fourhours the signal went fuzzy. 模糊的,失真的
23. He had to turn to adjustthe antennae. Antenna(天线)的复数。
24. That’s nothing we cancount on. 指望
25.再看看Micheal需要什么东西。But there is a device we can build outof some pretty common materials. It’s almost like a radio, exceptit transmits signals.传送。这句话告诉我们滴常识是:微波炉也是可以干扰信号。
26. Publicintoxication. Intoxication.陶醉。 到处逛逛的意思。
27. Hitting on thewaitress. 迷恋
28. This is stateproperty! No vehicles allowed! 国家财产
29. We can make rope out ofthis hammock. 吊床
30. It’s hanging by athread. 千钧一发,摇摇欲坠
31. Internationalwaters far out? 公海。
32. That’s 12 nauticalmiles. 海里(合1.852公里)
33. Is that gonna do ithere? 就这些么?
34. It’s twoferTuesday. 可半价优待的两张戏票
35. I am not gonna leave youhanging. 我不会让你难做的。
36. Now I am little shortright now. 我现在退缩了
37. We can just start youa tab. 我们会监视你的。此句不确定
38. Emps: electromagneticpulses. 电磁脉冲
39. If you hook up a powsource to a transmitter, it generates a pulse, that pulsecrashes anything electronic. Generate.产生。Crash. 干扰
40. Elementary science.常胜将军
41. Plug this in. Plug in.插电源
42. A rifle scope was seenfrom the tower. Rifle. 来复。Scope. Telescope.
43. I don’tautomatically trust people either. 自动的
44. Prostitutes. 妓女
45. I was scared.注意用法
46. You have a littlemascara right there. 睫毛膏
47. It was a closecall. 千钧一发
48. …when I get mycut. 给我报销。此句有疑问
49. trip log.航行日志
50. Man’s got to have hisfix. 会有人来接班。为个不确定。