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This chapter states the requirements for balances used formaterials that must be accurately weighed (see General Notices,8.20). Unless otherwise specified, when substances must be“accurately weighed”, the weighing shall be performed using abalance that is calibrated over the operating range and meets therequirements defined for repeatability and accuracy. For balancesused for other applications, the balance repeatability and accuracyshould be commensurate with the requirements for its use.

For discussion of the theoretical basis of theserequirements, see general information chapter Weighing on anAnalytical Balance 1251 , which may be a helpful—but notmandatory—resource.


Repeatability is assessed by weighingone test weight NLT 10 times. [ NOTE —The test weight mustbe
within the balance's operating range, but the weight need not becalibrated. Because repeatability is virtually independent ofsample mass within the balance's capacity, use of a small testweight, which may be difficult to handle, is not required. ]


Repeatability is satisfactory if two times the standard deviationof the weighed value, divided by the nominal value of the weightused, does not exceed 0.10%. If the standard deviation obtained isless than 0.41d , where d is the scaleinterval,replace this standard deviation with 0.41d .In this case, repeatability is satisfactory if two times 0.41d ,divided by the nominal value of the weight used, does not exceed0.10%.


The accuracyof a balance is satisfactory if its weighing value, when testedwith a suitable weight(s), is within 0.10% of the test weightvalue.


A test weight is suitableif it has a mass between 5% and 100% of the balance's capacity. Thetest weight's maximum permissible error (mpe), or alternatively itscalibration uncertainty, shall be NMT one-third of the applied testlimit of the accuracy test.


[ NOTE —Applicablestandards are the following: ASTM E617 (availablefrom and OIML R 111 (availablefrom ]

【注----适用标准引用ASTM E617】
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USP36–NF31 Page53
USP36–NF31 Supplement : No. 2 Page 6136
Pharmacopeial Forum: Volume No. 38(5)


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