WhatamIinterestedin? interested in

What am I interested in ?

That will be a difficult question to answer, for I really donothave any habbit.Maybe,in these days, I'd like to learningenglish,more reading,more speaking,more listening and try to domore writing.Just like this.

When in the summer holiday, I am interested in gymnastics andbasketball very much.I thinke Li Xiaopeng who has already got 16world champion should be called Gymnastic Prince.He is sohansome,so optimistic,and quiet inside and talktive outside.Maybethe 28th Olympic Games which hold in Athens changed him or makeshim a man.He failed on his "champion game",and in the recent years,there are so many sick influncing him which have led to morefailure,but he neverabandonhisdream.And in this session of theGames, he reallyrealize it and make a new record in chinese gymnastic history.Hehas got 16, 2 more than his idol-Li Ning,who had got 14 worldchampion and called gymnastic prince by chinese people.Butheisverytranquil,bysaying,"if u not remaind me,Inevernotedit."So I am attracted byhim...


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101010/35137.html


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(1)Reading is a very good hobby for all the students. You can know much about the world ①_____ the help of all kinds of books. I’m sure everyone has a favorite subject. For example, some are interested in animals,

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