脊椎和无脊椎动物的的眼睛进化 无脊椎动物的主要类群

Eyes Of Invertebrates AndVertebrates


December 19th, 2009

Cephalopoda possess the best eyes among invertebrates. Theirvision is in no way inferior to that of higherver­tebrates. Another branch of invertebrates, thearthropods, attained a high level of evolution, but, for somereason, this did not apply to their eyes. They compensated for thisshortcoming by combining a great number of ocelli (pyramids withthe base turned outwards and covered by a chitinous crystallinelens) into a few big eyes of an involved pattern, each eyeconsisting of hundreds and even thousands of such pyramids. By thejoint efforts of their individual, usually rather short-sightedocelli, insects and Crustacea can perceive the size and shape ofobjects.


脊椎和无脊椎动物的的眼睛进化 无脊椎动物的主要类群

The history of the eyes of vertebrates began in a diller-entway. The otlshore area of many seas and oceans is inhabited bycurious small animals called lancelets. They look like small fishesand resemble the blade of a surgeon’s lancet, from whence theirname came. The organ of vision of the lancelet is its brain.Light-sensitive cells are scattered all along the nerve trunk ofthe lancelet which has a trans­parent body. It canthus differentiate between light and darkness, which is all itneeds for its way of life.


Apparently, the ancestors of the vertebrates, like lancelets,also saw with their brain. But when their bodies had lost theirtransparency, bundles of light-sensitive nerve cells had to moveotV the brain outside. This has become the pattern of the evolutionof the eyes in all vertebrates. At a certain phase in an embryo’sdevelopment two pieces separate from the brain and graduallydevelop into eyes. So, our eyes are, in fact, pieces of the brainthat have moved outside to the sunlight.


The further development of the eyes in vertebratesfol­lowed the same pattern: they acquiredrefractive and accommodation systems and muscles which move theeye. The design became more and more involved until it resulted inour present eyes, capable of deciphering the jungles of the worstscrawl in the world and of distinguishing the slightest tints incolour. At the same time the animal brain also became more complex.The eye as such is merely a light-receiving device, like a camera.What we actually ‘see’ with is the brain. The brain pieces togetherthe information it receives from the millions of thelight-sensitive cells in the eye into a single picture. Thesnapshots made with the eye are developed in the laboratory of thebrain.



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