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had better , should 及ought to都是情态助动词,为方便同学们学习使用,现将它们的主要用法归纳如下:一、had better 的用法1.hadbetter是固定词组,意思是“应该;最好”,后接不带to 的不定式,其用法相当于情态动词,动词 had没有人称或数的变化。hadbetter常用来提出建议,语气较强,往往含有强迫或命令的口气,故常用于长辈对晚辈、上级对下级或平辈之间。该短语指的是现在或将来的情况,而不是指过去。had better的简略式为:'d better。如:1)You'd better go there by bus.你最好是坐公共汽车去那里。2)We had better start at once .我们最好立刻出发。2. had better的否定是had better not;疑问式是将 had 放在主语之前。如:1)We'd better not tell him thenews.我门最好不要告诉他这个消息。2)Hadn't we better go to the station tomeet him ?我门去车站去接他们不是更好一点吗?3.在反意疑问句中,疑问部分一般用“ had +主语?”, 但有时也可用“ Willyou ?”,表示一种请求或建议。如:1)You'dbetternotgoouttoday, hadyou ?今天你最好不要外出,好吗?2)I must stay at home this afternoon. You had better come tomy house , willyou ?我今天下午必须留在家里,你最好来我家,好吗?4. 对长辈或上级说话时,应避免使用 hadbetter 。比较礼貌的说法是Itmay /might be better for you to do sth .。如:It might be better for you to take a taxi.你最好是乘出租车去。二、should 的用法1. 情态动词should 常用来表示劝告、建议或义务,意思是“应该”,可用于各种人称,其语气比 must 及oughtto委婉后接不带to的动词不定式。此外,should 还可表示合理的推论,意思是“应该;理应;一定 . .. . 吧”。例如:1)You shouldn't come to such a decision hastily .你不应该匆忙作出这样的决定。2)The party should be great fun .那个集会一定很有意思。2.“should + have + 过去分词”常表示如下意思:1)表示义务并指过去的情况。意思是“本来应该 . . . . (却没有);要是已经. . . . . 就好了”,即指过去应该做某事而没有做,含有责备或后悔之意。例如:(1)Youareright .Ishouldhavethoughtofthat.你说得对,我应该想到这一点。(2)Theyshouldnothaveleftsosoon.他们不应当走得这么早。2)表示预期。意思是“应该 . . . .了;一定已经 . . . .了”,指某个动作到现在应该发生了,只表示一种合理的推测或看法,不含责备的意思。如:(1)Thetrainshouldhavealreadyleft.火车大概已经开走了。(2)Theyshouldhaveknownthenews.他们一定知道这个消息了吧。3. 用于虚拟结构。用于条件从句(主要指将来情况),表示假设;用于 advise,ask , decide ,desire , demand , insist , intend ,request , urge 等动词之后,表示情感、命令、提议或愿望等。如:1)Ifsheshouldbefreenextweek, shewillcome .下周如果她有空,她就会来。(表示假设)2)Hedemandedthatthey(should)startatonce.他要求他们马上出发。(表示命令)三、oughtto的用法1.表示劝告、建议或义务,意思是“应该;应当”,语气比表示义务的should强,但比must弱,强调客观要求,含有强烈的道义、责任、法律或原则等意味 ;而should多用来指主观上感到有责任或义务去做某事。否定式是 ought notto。如: (1)He oughtto be there tomarrow.他明天应该去那里。 (2)You oughtnot to drink too much .你不应该喝太多的酒。2. 表示预期或推测。意思是“应该会;理应会”。如:1) If they took the 8:00 am. train, they ought to be arriving soon.假如他们称早上八点的火车,应该就快到了。2)We ought to be able to finish the work tonight .我们今晚估计能完成这项工作。 3. “oughtto +have+过去分词”主要用于以下情况:1) 表示过去“应该做某事(但没有做)”,含有责备或后悔之意。如:(1)Heoughtn't to have spoken toher in that way.他不应该对她那样说话。(他却那样讲了)(2) They ought to have taken a rest.他们当时应该休息一下。(但没休息)2)表示一种合理的推测,意思是“(指某个动作到现在)想必一定已经. . . . .了;照理应该 . . . . . 了”,没有责备的语气。例如:(1) If he had started at six o'clock , he ought to have got thereby now.他如过是六点出发,现在应该已经到那里了。(2)SheoughttohaveleftforBeijing.她应该已经出发,前往北京了。专项测验1. You'd better _____ late next time .A.don'tB. notbe C.notbeingD. won'tbe2. ---- Can I leave this door open at night ?----- You _______ better not .A.shouldB. would C.couldD. had3.---- Let's go to the cinema ,shallwe ?---- ______ .A. Yes , IshallB.No , Ican'tC. Yes , thank youD.No , we'd better not4.---- You'd better go there with me , hadn't you?----- _______ .A. Yes ,IhadtoB. Yes ,IhadbetterC. No ,Ihadn'tD. No ,Ihadn'tbetter5. ----- I'm afraid I've got a bad cold .----_______ .A. Keep awayfromB. Never mindC. You needmedicineD. Better go and see a doctor6. Wehad better wait for your girlfriendJuliet, ________ ?A. hadn'tweB. don'tweC. didn'tweD. shan'twe7. _______ itsnow ,thecropswouldgrowbetter.A.OughtB. Would C.MightD. Should8. ----- Mary looks sad . Did you tell her about the accident?----- Yes , butI ______ her later .A. should havetoldB. shouldn't have toldC. musthavetoldD. ought not to have told9. ---- Ididn't see her yesterday .----Oh , but you _______ .A.shouldhaveB. shouldC. musthaveD.cannot have10. ----- I feelrathertiredtoday .---- You ______ to sleep too late last night.A. shouldgoB. couldn't havegoneC.mightgoD. shouldn't have gone11. " You should have caught the early bus."means :" ________ "A. You caught the earlybusB. You didn't catch the early busC. You have caught the earlybusD. You should go and catch the early bus now .12. --- I should have gone to see the film with you.---- _______ .A. No ,youshouldn'tB. Yes ,youshouldC.Itdoesn'tmattertomeD. Whatapity !13. ----Johnshouldhavehelpedheryesterday.---- Why_______then?A. shouldheB.hadn'theC.didheD. didn'the14. You _____ smoke while you are walking around in the woods here.You __startafire.A. shouldn't ;mustB. can't ;shouldn'tC. can't ;maynotD. mustn't ; could15.---- Will youplease go tothe cinema with metonight ?Sorry ._________ ,butIhavesomepaperstofinish.A. I shouldloveitB.IshouldlovetoC. I wouldlikeD.Ihadbetternot16. You are their teacher. You ______ care of them .A.should totakeB.mighttotakeC. oughttotakeD.need take17. You ought to hand in your composition on time , _____you?A.oughtn'ttoB.don'tC.shouldD. oughtn't18. ---- ______ we to make a carefulplanbeforewestartthework?---- Oh ,no . I don't think you _____ to do that .A. Must ;needB. Need ;needC. ought ;must D. ought; need19. Li Ming didn't want to do that , buthe_____ .A. needtoB.oughttoC.havetoD. hadto20. ----Hasthetrainarrived?---- No , it ______halfanhourago.A. ought toarriveB.oughttohavearrivedC. mightarriveD.mighthavearrived
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各种化妆刷的用法——简介来了解各种化妆刷的用法吧各种化妆刷的用法——方法/步骤各种化妆刷的用法 1、用平头眼影刷沾取少量眼影,从睫毛根部开始徐徐向上淡开,注意层次过渡均匀,刚开始训练以清淡为宜。(精选动物毛的扁平轻薄的刷头可