当代中国“新左派”代表人物崔之元转载 当代山水画代表画家





【时间】 2010年05月12日(周6)下午18:30


【讲座序列】 中国政法大学研究生院“明法”经济学系列讲座之三
【主 人】 崔之元[清华大学公共管理学院教授(“百人计划”引进)、博士生导师,美国康奈尔大学法学院杰出访问教授]
【主 人】 于志刚(中国政法大学研究生院副院长,教授,博士生导师)
【评 人】 毕竞悦(博士,国家发展和改革委员会主管、中国经济体制改革研究会主办《改革内参》执行主编)


【主方】 中国政法大学研究生院

【协方】 中国政法大学法学院法律经济分析中心


崔之元(1963~),生于中国北京,清华大学公共管理学院教授(“百人计划”引进)、博士生导师,被称为当代中国“新左派”主要代表人物之一。1985年毕业于国防科技大学系统工程与应用数学系,并获学士学位,后赴美国留学;1989获美国芝加哥大学政治学硕士学位;1993年07月~1995年07月,任麻省理工学院政治学讲师;1995年获美国芝加哥大学政治学博士学位;1995年07月~2001年07月,任麻省理工学院政治学副教授;2001年10月~2003年01月,国立新加坡大学东亚研究所访问研究员;2003年01月~2003年08月,哈佛大学法学院高级访问研究员;2003年09月~2004年07月,柏林高等研究院高级研究员;2004年09月至今,清华大学公共管理学院教授;2007年01月~06月,康奈尔大学法学院访问教授;2008年01月~06月,康奈尔大学法学院AnthonyW. and Lulu C.Wang杰出访问教授;2010年05月,赴重庆市国有资产监督管理委员会挂职;还曾兼任中国人民大学经济学系教授,国家计划委员会宏观经济研究院对外经济研究所特约研究员等职。



Invited to give Ralph Miliband Lecture, London School of Economics,June 9, 2003
Invited Lecture to Documenta 11, House of World Cultures, Berlin,October 27, 2001 (http://www.documenta.de/data/english/platform1/index.html:video of the event)
Member of the Academic Advisory Board, Center for CommunicationStudies, Tsinghua University
Member of Editorial Board of Society and Thoughts book series,Oxford University Press, Hong Kong
Member of Editorial Board of the Journal Horizons, Hebei EducationPublishing House
当代中国“新左派”代表人物崔之元(转载) 当代山水画代表画家
Member of Editorial Board of the Journal Comparative Studies, CITICPublishing House, Beijing
Member of Editorial Board of the book series “Third Sector inChina” (NGO Development), Zhejiang Peoples’ PublishingHouse


专著与专著中的章节(Books andBook Chapters):

Wrestling with the Invisible Hand: Soft-Budget-Constraint inthe Capitalist Economy, forthcoming (under contract) fromHarvard University Press, 2005.
Editor and Introduction.Politics:Theory Against Fate byRoberto Mangabeira Unger. London & NewYork: Verso, 1997 (It also has beentranslated into Portuguese and published in Brazil).
Co-author with Adam Przeworski, et al. SustainableDemocracy (《可持续民主》). NewYork: Cambridge University Press, 1994(primarily responsible for Chapter 5).
Co-author for the UNDP China: Human Development Report1999 ?》(《1999年人类发展报告》), ed. ByCarl Riskin, Oxford University Press, 2000 (responsible for thetheoretical chapter).
Introduction and Co-editor with Jomo K.S. Long 20thCentury, forthcoming, Oxford University Press.
"Bush Doctrine and Neo-Conservatism: A ChinesePerspective”, in David Held (ed.), American Power in the 21stCentury, Polity Press, 2005
"Liberal Socialism and the Future of China: A Petty BourgeoisieManifesto” in Tianyu Cao (ed.),
"China’s Model for Modern Development”, Routlege,2005
"In Search of Dynamic Republicanism for the 21st Century”in Okwui Enwezor et al. (eds.), Democracy Unrealized, Documenta 11Platform 1, Germany: Hatje Cantz Publisher, 2002.
"International Chapter 11 and Special Drawing Rights", inMarc Uzan (ed.), The Financial System Under Stress: An Architecturefor the New World Economy, London & NewYork: Routledge, 1996.
"Particular, Universal, and Infinite:Transcending Western Centrism and Cultural Relativism in the ThirdWorld", in Leo Marx and Bruce Mazlish (eds.),Progress: Fact orIllusion? AnnArbor: University of Michigan Press,1996.
"Can Privatization Solve the Problem of Soft BudgetConstraint?"in Vedat Milor (ed.), The Political Economy of Privatization andPublic Enterprise Reform in Eastern Europe, Asia, and LatinAmerica,Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 1994.
"The Recessionary Bias of the Polish Stabilization Plan in1990", in Roland Schonfeld (ed.), Transforming Property Formsand Instituting Markets in Post-Communist Central Europe,Munich: Sudosteuropa-Gesellschaft,1992.
期刊发表论文(Articles inJournals):
"China's Export Tax Rebate Policy”, China, AnInternational Journal, Vol. 1, No.2, September, 2003. (It has beentranslated into French and published in a French Journal on ChineseAffairs).
"Introduction to Tang Tsou's Interpreting the Revolution inChina", Modern China, April, 2000.
"Whither China?” Social Text, Summer, 1998.
"Privatization and the Consolidation of DemocraticRegimes: An Analysis and AnAlternative", Journal of International Affairs, Winter, 1997(It has been translated into Slovene and published in SloveniaEconomic Review).
"China in the Russian Mirror”, co-authored with RobertoUnger, New Left Review, Nov. /Dec., 1994.
"Market Incompleteness, Innovation, and Reform," Politicsand Society, March, 1991.


专著《看不见的手的范式的悖论》(The Dilemma of the Invisible HandParadigm), Economic Science Publisher, Beijing, 1999.
《民主合作制——新密县人代会案例研究》(Democratic-Cooperative System - A CaseStudy of Xinmi County People's Congress), Zhiyuan Cui, RongJingben & Wang Shuanzheng (eds.), CentralTranslation Bureau Publishing House, 1998.
个人论文集《制度创新与第二次思想解放》(Institutional Innovation and the SecondThought Liberation),Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, HonkKong, 1997 (牛津大学出版社香港分社1997年版), (It is translated intoKorean and published in the Asian Thought Series, Seoul,2003).
《中国改革的政治经济学》(The Political Economy of Chinese Reform),Zhiyuan Cui and Yang Gan (eds.), HongKong: Oxford University Press, 1997.
《南街村》(Nanjie Village), Co-author with Deng Ying-Tao andMiao Zhuang.Beijing: Modern China Press, 1996(responsible for four chapters).
专著《博弈论与社会科学》(Game Theory and SocialSciences),杭州:浙江人民出版社,1988年版.


Participant, Project on East-South System Transformations, Directedby Adam Przeworski, supported by MacArthur Foundation,1992-1995.
Participant, Project on Clean Energy in China, jointly supported byMIT, Tokyo University, and Tsinghua University, 1997-1998.
Co-Director, Project on “Political Reform in the Xinmi CountyPeople's Congress”, supported by Ford Foundation, 1996-1998.
Participant, Project on “Democratic State Building in ContemporaryChina”, supported by Ximalaya Foundation, 2001-2003.


BestDissertation Nominated to the American Political ScienceAssociation by the Department of Political Science, University ofChicago, 1995.
Provost Faculty Development Fund, Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology, 1996.
Andrew Mellon Foundation fellowship for dissertation writing,University of Chicago, 1992-1993.
University of Chicago University Fellowship, 1988-1992.













马克·莱昂纳德[曾任英国前首相布莱尔建立的智库——欧洲研究中心主任,现任欧洲外交关系协会(The EuropeanCouncil on Foreign Affairs)执行主任]用了3年的时间走访中国当代知识分子,撰写的《WhatDoes China Think?》(《中国怎么想?》,在英美两国同时出版)一书中,介绍的重要人物之一就是崔之元,http://wen.org.cn/modules/news/view.article.php?a53

2008年3月号的英国《展望》(Prospect)杂志,以《中国的新知识分子》(China's NewIntelligentsia)为题,刊出莱昂纳德的封面长文,介绍中国当代思想界。莱昂纳德虽非中国研究专家,但他不拘于时下流行的对中国经济发展走马观花式的点评,向世界学术界介绍中国思想状况,对经济和政治争论的叙述比较深入,一方面指出了中国仍存在的问题,一方面提出中国的探索可供其他国家借鉴。文章提及张维迎、汪晖、王绍光、崔之元、俞可平、潘维、房宁、杨毅、阎学通、郑必坚、何包钢等。


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101010/30654.html


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