关于“整体语言教学法”(Whole LanguageApproach)
The term Whole Language was created in the 1980sby a group of U.S. educators concerned with the teaching of language arts(Richards & Rodgers, 2001). The Whole LanguageApproach emphasizes learning to read and write naturally with afocus on real communication and reading and writing for pleasure.In the 1990s, it became popular in the United States as amotivating and innovating way of teaching language arts skills toprimary school children. It shares a philosophical andinstructional perspective with Communicative Language Teachingbecause it emphasizes the importance of meaning and meaning makingin teaching and learning. It also relates to natural approaches tolanguage learning since it is designed to help children and adultslearn a second language in the same way that children learn theirfirst language.
Whole Language advocates believe that languageshould be whole, meaningful, and relevant to the learners (Goodman,1986). Therefore, the appropriate materials are what children needor want to read or write, and the curriculum should be authenticand integrated. Cerbus and Rice (1995) explained that a wholelanguage classroom provides a print-rich environment in whichchildren learn to use and enjoy written and spoken languagenaturally. In a whole language program, skill development andenrichment activities are arranged around a literary experience.Instead of teaching reading, language, writing, spelling, andspeaking as separate units, the teacher relates all of these to aparticular book, story, or poem. Reading is supported withactivities that combine listening, writing, speaking, andillustrating. Bergeron (1990) found that Whole Language wasdescribed differently in sixty-four articles. Only four classroomfeatures were mentioned in more than fifty percent of the articles.They are the use of literature, the use of process writing, theencouragement of cooperative learning among students and theconcern for students’ attitude.
As this study adapted the philosophies of WholeLanguage Approach, literature related to the materials andactivities used in a whole language classroom, including picturebooks, reading aloud, reading-writing connections and skillintegration, will be reviewed in the followingparagraphs.
整体语言教学法(Whole LanguageApproach)的理论首先强调整体。在语言教学中,虽然我们常把语言分成“听、说、读、写”4个部分,但是实质上,语言是包含这4个部分的不可分割的整体。同样,幼儿在家里学习语言,也不是从零零碎碎的片断开始的,而是从听懂父母用完整的句子传递过来的完整的意思开始,然后为了自身的需要和一定的目的,慢慢学着开口,用语言表达自己的意思。事实证明,幼儿在这种自然环境中把语言当作一个整体来学习,从来都是相当成功的。

在过去的几十年里,整体语言教学法是ESL(English as a Second Languae)教学的主力,不光在美国,在澳大利亚。加拿大、英国和新加坡等英语国家都十分流行。整体语言教学法的优势在于:它能够使一个主题概念多角度、多层次地反复重现,使学生有机会把过去的知识和经验与今天的学习任务结合起来,使新旧知识在头脑里形成网状记忆、网状联想,使英语学习的质量发生飞跃。