- printf
- SURNAME=china
- printf "Surname: %snName:%sn" "$SURNAME" "$LASTNAME"
- Surname: china
- Name: unix
- printf -v var"%sxxx"
- echo $var
- xxx
Number-Format | Description |
N | A normal decimal number |
0N | An octal number |
0xN | A hexadecimal number |
0XN | A hexadecimal number |
"X | (a literal double-quote infront of a character): interpreted asnumber (underlying codeset)don't forgetescaping |
'X | (a literal single-quote infront of a character): interpreted asnumber (underlying codeset)don't forgetescaping |
- printf "%s#%s|n" "xxx""yyy" "zzz" "ttt" "vvv"
- xxx#yyy|
- zzz#ttt|
- vvv#|
- printf "%s#d#%sn""xxx"
- xxx#0000#
- printf "%dn""01"
- 1
- printf "%dn""08"
- -bash: printf: 08: invalidnumber
- 0
Format | Description |
%b | Print the associated argument while interpreting backslash escapesin there |
%q | Print the associated argumentshell-quoted,reusable as input |
%d | Print the associated argument assigneddecimalnumber |
%i | Same as %d |
%o | Print the associated argument asunsignedoctalnumber |
%u | Print the associated argument asunsigneddecimalnumber |
%x | Print the associated argument asunsignedhexadecimalnumber with lower-casehex-digits (a-f) |
%X | Same as %x, but with upper-case hex-digits (A-F) |
%f | Interpret and print the associated argumentasfloatingpointnumber |
%e | Interpret the associated argument asdouble, and printit in ±e format |
%E | Same as %e, but with an upper-case E in the printed format |
%g | Interprets the associated argument asdouble, butprints it like %f or %e |
%G | Same as %g, but print it like %E |
%c | Interprets the associated argument as character: only the firstcharacter of a given argument is printed |
%s | Interprets the associated argument literally as string |
%b | Interprets the associated argument as a string and interpretingescape sequences in it |
%q | Prints the associated argument in a format, that it can be re-usedas shell-input (escaped spaces etc..) |
%n | No conversion or printing is done. Assigns the number of so farprinted characters to the variable named in the correspondingargument (similat to C's printf) |
%(FORMAT)T | output the date-time string resulting from using FORMAT as a formatstring for strftime(3). The associated argument is the number ofseconds since Epoch, or -1 (current time) or -2 (shell startuptime) |
%% | No conversion is done. Produces a % (percent sign) |
<1> Modifiers (不知怎么翻译好)

- printf "Psn" "This fieldis 50 characters wide..."
- This fieldis 50 characters wide...
Field outputformat | |
Anynumber: Specifies aminimum fieldwidth, if the text to print is smaller, it's padded withspaces, if the text is bigger, the field is expanded | |
. | Thedot: Together with a field width, the fieldisnotexpandedwhen the text is bigger, the text is cutted instead. "%.s" is anundocumented equivalent for "%.0s", which will force a field widthof zero, effectively hiding the field from output |
* | Theasterisk: the width is given as argument before the stringor number. Usage (the "*" corresponds to the "20"): printf "%*sn"20 "test string" |
# | "Alternative format" for numbers: see table below |
- | Left-boundtextprinting in the field (standard isright-bound) |
0 | Pads numbers with zeros, not spaces |
Pad a positive number with a space, where a minus (-) is fornegative numbers | |
+ | Prints all numberssigned(+for positive, - for negative) |
AlternativeFormat | |
%#o | The octal number is printed with a leading zero, unless it's zeroitself |
%#x, %#X | The hex number is printed with a leading "0x"/"0X", unless it'szero |
%#g, %#G | The float number is printed withtrailingzerosuntil the number of digits for thecurrent precision is reached (usually trailing zeros are notprinted) |
all number formats except %d, %o, %x, %X | Always print a decimal point in the output, even if no digitsfollow it |
- printf "%.*fn" 104
- 4.0000000000
- printf "%.10fn"4
- 4.0000000000
下面是一些逃逸字符(Escape codes)的写法:
Code | Description |
\ | Prints the character (backslash) |
a | Prints the alert character (ASCII code 7 decimal) |
b | Prints a backspace |
f | Prints a form-feed |
n | Prints a newline |
r | Prints a carriage-return |
t | Prints a horizontal tabulator |
v | Prints a vertical tabulator |
" | Prints a ' |
? | Prints a ? |
Interprets asoctalnumberand prints the corresponding character from the character set | |