《复仇少年BoyWonder》---CalebSteinmeyer afterschoolwonderboy

I see it in your eyes every day.What i wanted youto remember,Sean is that your mother died that night.Your motherdied here.She died.Not you,You have a life to lead.A longlife.I...I think it's time you start living it,I know we haven'tbeen the best of friends,I know,You don't think i know,but i knowwhat a piece of shit I was back then.I do.And i can't explain toyou how sorry I am for the things that i did to you,And to yourmother,And i'll never forgive myself for the person that i was,Buti gotta start living my life,I...But I....I need my son back to dothat .I'm sorry
你的眼睛告诉了我一切,肖恩 我想让你记住那天晚上死掉的是你的母亲,你的母亲死在这儿她死了,但不是你,你还有生活要过一段很长的生活,我...我认为你是时候开始过正常的生活了,我知道我们关系并不亲密,我知道,你也许觉得我不知道,其实我知道自己过去是个人渣,我为过去自己对你的所作所为感到十分抱歉,还有对你的母亲,我永远不会原谅过去的自己,但我得重新开始我的生活,但我....我需要我的儿子走出阴影才能做到

I was 10 years on the squad....When they brought that kid intothe station .They should have brought him to the hospital. He wasin shock.No emotion.No crying .He'd just stare Those eyes lookingright through you

I remember this one time....with the belt.And you were going in onme real good!But Mom got in the way and you didn’t like that,didyou,Dad? So it was Mom's turn,But she was a lot bigger than me .Soyou could really put your shoulder into it,Right,Dad!Iremember...standing there.Watched you beat her!And I just stoodthere,and i did nothing. Because i was afraid that you would starthitting me againg.I was a coward then.But i'm not a cowardanymore

Goddam it! You think i killed my wife? Your mother?Is that wahtyou think? I know you did.I konw you did!You don't konw shit
Sean!You are wrong,Okay.You made a mistake then,and you're makingone now.Now,what is more likely that i had your mother killed,mywife for that life insurance money or that ididn't get you the help you needed when you needed it?What kind ofman do you think i am?Okay
《复仇少年BoyWonder》---CalebSteinmeyer afterschoolwonderboy
肖恩,你错了. 那个时候搞错了,现在又犯错了.现在哪种更有可能是我杀了你的妈妈,我的妻子就为了人身保险的钱,还是在你需要帮助的时候我没有帮助?你认为我是哪种人?

I'm sorry.Sorry.

Don't be.Don't be sorry.It'will be okay

I'm sorry i cann't believe you

He killed her.Hired that animal to kill her

Where is you fther,Sean?

Somebody broken in.I found him in the basement. He is dead .Yousaid you wanted to help me,Teresa

My name is Sean Donovan。When i was nine years old,a woman wasmurdered in front of my eyes。Her name was Mary Donovan。She was mymother.My life changed that night.It changed how i see the world .Itell you this because i think that night changed your life aswell.I konw the suffering you must go through every day hearing thecries of your victims in your head,seeing my mother'face in yourdream,praying that one day the pain will stop.That is why I writeyou today .To help you ease your pain. To let you know that iforgive you for what you did. I ask only this,that you help ease mypain.Let me know if my father was a part of this murder.Let meclear my conscience and let my mother rest in peace.All i want isthe truth.The truth,and i will stay quiet for the rest of my life.I've provided you with a safe way to answer me,I've included areturn envelope and two stamps.Place the black stamp on theenvelope if my father is quilty,the red stamp if he's not.I imploreyou to help me in this matter as it would be hard for me tocontinue forgiving you if you do not.I wish youwell,Mr.ChildsSincerely ,Sean Donovan
我的名字是肖恩.多诺万。我九岁时候亲眼目睹了一个女人被杀.她的名字叫玛丽.多诺万。她是我的母亲.我的人生从那晚开始就改变了.它改变了我看待这个世界的方式.我告诉你这些,因为我觉得那晚也改变了你的生活.我觉得你每天承受的痛苦,听见脑袋里受害者的哭喊声,在梦里看见我母亲的脸,祈祷着有一天这种疼痛能停止.这就是我今天写信给你的原因.帮助你减轻痛苦.告诉你我已经原谅了你曾经做的事.我只想请求,你也能减轻我的痛苦,告诉我,我的父亲是不是也参与了那次谋杀,让我问心无愧,也让母亲安息我想要只是真相,真相,我以后什么都不会再说了.我给你提供了安全回答我的方法,我在里面放了一个回信的信封和两张邮票.如果我父亲是有罪的请在信封上贴黑色的邮票,如果他没有罪就贴红色的.我恳求你能在这件事情上帮下我,如果你不这么做我很难再原谅你.真诚地 肖恩 多诺万

The stamp is Red


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