TPO2-3EarlyCinema blaster cinema3

题目解析:1. According to paragraph 1, all of the following were trueof viewing films in Kinetoscope parlors EXCEPT:(Negative FactualInformation Question)

A.One individual at a time viewed a film.

B.Customers could view one film after another.

C.Prizefights were the most popular subjects for films.

D.Each film was short.

相关原句:It was designed for use in Kinetoscope parlors, or arcades,which contained only a few individual machines and permitted onlyone customer to view a short, 50-foot film at any one time.Thefirst Kinetoscope parlors contained five machines. For the price of25 cents (or 5 cents per machine), customers moved from machine tomachine to watch five different films.(Paragraph 1)

本题解析:“permitted only one customer to view a short, 50-foot filmat any one time”指出每名只能为一名观众提供服务,且影片短小;A、D正确。“customers moved frommachine to machine to watch five differentfilms”指出观众可以一部接一部地观看。B正确。所以选择C,文章并未指出职业拳击赛(prizefight)是最流行的。正确答案:C

2. The author discusses phonograph parlors in paragraph 2 inorder to(Factual Information Question)

A.Explain Edison's financial success

B.Describe the model used to design Kinetoscope parlors

C.Contrast their popularity to that of Kinetoscope parlors

D.Illustrate how much more technologically advanced Kinetoscopeparlors were

相关原句:These Kinetoscope arcades were modeled on phonographparlors, which had proven successful for Edison several yearsearlier. The Kinetoscope parlors functioned in a similarway.(Paragraph 2)

本题解析:段落首句指出Kinetoscope arcades是按照留声机会客厅(phonographparlors)仿制的,接下来描述留声机会客厅的设置,从而说明Kinetoscopeparlors的类似作用。选择B。正确答案:B

3. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essentialinformation in the highlighted sentence from the passage?(SentenceSimplification Question)

A.Edison was more interested in developing a variety of machinesthan in developing a technology based on only one.

B.Edison refused to work on projection technology because he didnot think exhibitors would replace their projectors with newermachines.

C.Edison did not want to develop projection technology becauseit limited the number of machines he could sell.

D.Edison would not develop projection technology unlessexhibitors agreed to purchase more than one projector from him.

相关原句:He refused to develop projection technology, reasoning thatif he made and sold projectors, then exhibitors would purchase onlyone machine-a projector-from him instead of several. (Paragraph2,highlighted sentence)


4. The word readily in the passage is closest in meaningto(Vocabulary Question)





相关原句:Exhibitors, however, wanted to maximize their profits,which they could do more readily by projecting a handful of filmsto hundreds of customers at a time (rather than one at a time) andby charging 25 to 50 cents admission.(Paragraph 3)


5. The word assistance in the passage is closest in meaningto(Vocabulary Question)





相关原句:with the assistance of Edison's former assistant…(Paragraph3)

本题解析:With the assistance of:在…的帮助下,与help同意,因此选择C。正确答案:C

6. According to paragraph 4, how did the early movies differfrom previous spectacles that were presented to largeaudiences?(Factual Information Question)

A.They were a more expensive form of entertainment.

B.They were viewed by larger audiences.

C.They were more educational.

D.They did not require live entertainers.

相关原句:But the movies differed significantly from these otherforms of entertainment, which depended on either live performanceor the active involvement of a master of ceremonies who assembledthe final program.( Paragraph 4)

本题解析:即电影的不同之处在于:它不需要表演者的现场演出或放映者的操纵(live performance or theactive involvement),因此选择D。正确答案:D

7. According to paragraph 5, what role did early exhibitors playin the presentation of movies in theaters?(Factual InformationQuestion)

A.They decided how to combine various components of the filmprogram.

B.They advised film-makers on appropriate movie content.

C.They often took part in the live-action performances.

D.They produced and prerecorded the material that was shown inthe theaters.

相关原句:Even though early exhibitors shaped their film programs bymixing films and other entertainments together in whichever waythey thought would be most attractive to audiences or byaccompanying them with lectures, their creative control remainedlimited.( Paragraph 5)

本题解析:即早期放映者试图将电影和其他娱乐元素结合起来(by mixing films and otherentertainments together),因此选择A。正确答案:A

8. Which of the following is mentioned in paragraph 6 as one ofthe ways the Mutoscope differed from the Kinetoscope? (FactualInformation Question)

A.Sound and motion were simultaneously produced in theMutoscope.

B.More than one person could view the images at the same timewith the Mutoscope.

C.The Mutoscope was a less sophisticated earlier prototype ofthe Kinetoscope.

D.A different type of material was used to produce the imagesused in the Mutocope.

相关原句:With the advent of projection, the viewer's relationshipwith the image was no longer private, as it had been with earlierpeepshow devices such as the Kinetoscope and the Mutoscope, whichwas a similar machine that reproduced motion by means of successiveimages on individual photographic cards instead of on strips ofcelluloid.( Paragraph 6)


注意:B选项中“more than one person could view the images at the sametime(许多人可以同时观看一部电影)”是由the advent ofprojection(放映机的发明)实现的,而不是Mutoscope。正确答案:D

9. The word it in the passage refers to(Reference Question)

A.The advent of projection

B.The viewer's relationship with the image

C.A similar machine


相关原句:With the advent of projection, the viewer's relationshipwith the image was no longer private…It suddenly becamepublic----an experience that the viewer shared with dozens, scores,and even hundreds of others. ( Paragraph 6)

本题解析:结合上句可得出It指代的是“the viewer’s relationship with theimage(观者与影像的关系)”,它不再私人化,而是逐渐公开化。因此选择B。正确答案:B

10. According to paragraph 6, the images seen by viewers in theearlier peepshows, compared to the images projected on the screen,were relatively(Factual Information Question)

A.Small in size

B.Inexpensive to create


D.Limited in subject matter

相关原句:At the same time, the image that the spectator looked atexpanded from the minuscule peepshow dimensions of 1 or 2 inches(in height) to the life-size proportions of 6 or 9 feet. (Paragraph6)本题解析:即早期西洋镜影像比大荧幕影像要小得多,前者只有1-2英寸,而后者是6-9英尺的实物大小。正确答案:A

11. The word expanded in the passage is closest in meaningto(Vocabulary Question)

A.Was enlarged

B.Was improved

C.Was varied

D.Was rejected

相关原句:At the same time, the image that the spectator looked atexpanded from the minuscule peepshow dimensions of 1 or 2 inches(in height) to the life-size proportions of 6 or 9 feet.

本题解析:可通过前后信息推断,从minuscule(微小的)到life-size(实物大小);从1 or 2 inches(1-2英寸)到6 or 9 feet(6-9英尺),尺寸放大了。因此选择A。正确答案:A

12. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where thefollowing sentence can be added to the passage.(Insert TextQuestion)

When this widespread use of projection technology began tohurt his Kinetoscope business, Edison acquired a projectordeveloped by Armat and introduced it as“Edison’s latest marvel, theVitascope."

Where would the sentence best fit?

■(A)Exhibitors, however, wanted to maximize their profits, whichthey could do more readily by projecting a handful of films tohundreds of customers at a time (rather than one at a time) and bycharging 25 to 50 cents admission. ■(B)About a year after theopening of the first Kinetoscope parlor in 1894, showmen such asLouis and Auguste Lumiere, Thomas Armat and Charles FrancisJenkins, and Orville and Woodville Latham (with the assistance ofEdison's former assistant, William Dickson) perfected projectiondevices. ■(C)These early projection devices were used in vaudevilletheaters, legitimate theaters, local town halls, makeshiftstorefront theaters, fairgrounds, and amusement parks to show filmsto a mass audience. ■ (D)

When this widespread use of projection technology began tohurt his Kinetoscope business, Edison acquired a projectordeveloped by Armat and introduced it as "Edison's latest marvel,the Vitascope." ( Paragraph 3)

本题解析:插入句中“this widespread use of projectiontechnology”表明其前一句必有关于放映技术应用的内容,因此放在最后,对应上一句中的“these earlyprojection devices were used in…”。正确答案:D

13-14. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summaryof the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selectingthe THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas inthe passage. Some answer choices do not belong in the summarybecause they express ideas that are not presented in the passage orare minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2points.(Prose Summary Question)

The technology for modern cinema evolved at the end of thenineteenth century.

Answer Choices

1. Kinetoscope parlors for viewing films were modeled onphonograph parlors.

2. Thomas Edison's design of the Kinetoscope inspired thedevelopment of large screen projection.

3. Early cinema allowed individuals to use special machines toview films privately.

4. Slide-and-lantern shows had been presented to audiences ofhundreds of spectators.

5. The development of projection technology made it possible toproject images on a large screen. 6. Once film images could beprojected, the cinema became form of mass consumption.



2.信息错误,Kinetoscope并不是激发放映者发明放映机的原因,是追求利益最大化的欲望(Exhibitors,however, wanted to maximize their profits)导致了放映机的发明。2错误。




6.在电影可以被投影后,它逐渐成为大众消费(With the advent of projection in 1895-1896, motion pictures became the ultimate form of massconsumption)。6正确。






1. The cinema did not emerge as a form of mass consumption untilits technology evolved from the initial "peepshow" format to thepoint where images were projected on a screen in a darkenedtheater.

短语:mass consumption:大众消费evolve from…to…:从…进化到…分句:“its technologyevolved from …to the point where…”表明电影进化为大众消费的条件主干:The cinema didnot emerge as…until…释义:即直到电影技术从最初的西洋镜形式发展到剧院大荧幕播放后,电影才作为大众消费出现在公众面前。

2. It was designed for use in Kinetoscope parlors, or arcades,which contained only a few individual machines and permitted onlyone customer to view a short, 50-foot film at any one time.

短语:Kinetoscope parlors:可理解为电影放映厅at any onetime:每一次机会分句:it:指代前句中的“Thomas Edison's peepshow device, theKinetoscope(爱迪生发明的西洋镜装置活动电影放映机)”which引导的从句修饰Kinetoscope parlors orarcades主干:It was designed for use in…,which contained…andpermitted…释义:西洋镜装置是为安装有活动电影放映机的客厅或拱廊设计的,这样的客厅或拱廊安装有一些独立设施,为每个客户每次提供观看一个短小电影的机会。


难句分析:1. These Kinetoscope arcades were modeled on phonographparlors, which had proven successful for Edison several yearsearlier. 词汇:successful:成功的,此处引申为“带来经济效益的”短语:modelon:仿制释义:活动电影放映机拱廊是效仿留声机会客厅制造的,后者曾为爱迪生带来几年的高收益。

2. Edison was more interested in the sale of Kinetoscopes (forroughly $1,000 a piece) to these parlors than in the films thatwould be run in them (which cost approximately $10 to $15 each).词汇:them指代前半句中的Kinetoscope机器主干:Edison was more interested in…thanin…释义:爱迪生更喜欢向会客厅出售活动电影放映机器而不是出售那些放映其中的电影。

3. He refused to develop projection technology, reasoning thatif he made and sold projectors, then exhibitors would purchase onlyone machine--projector-from him instead of several.词汇:exhibitor:此处指电影放映者短语:projectiontechnology:放映技术释义:爱迪生拒绝发明投影技术,推断说如果他发明并出售投影机,那麽电影放映者就只需购买一个而不是几个机器了。


难句分析:1. Exhibitors, however, wanted to maximize their profits,which they could do more readily by projecting a handful of filmsto hundreds of customers at a time (rather than one at a time) andby charging 25 to 50 cents admission. 主干:Exhibitors wanted tomaximiza profits,which they could do by…andby…释义:电影放映者却想要最大化经济收益,他们可以通过一次性向数百名观众放映几部电影(而不是一次一位观众),每位收费25到50美分来很轻易地做到这一点。


难句分析:1. Previously, large audiences had viewed spectacles at thetheater, where vaudeville, popular dramas, musical and minstrelshows, classical plays, lectures, and slide-and-lantern shows hadbeen presented to several hundred spectators at a time.释义:本句中各成分都有对应:large audience对应hundredspectators;spectacles(表演)对应“vaudeville, popular dramas, musical andminstrel shows, classical plays, lectures, and slide-and-lanternshows”----先前,大批观众在剧院观看表演,在那里,滑稽戏剧、流行戏剧、音乐剧或吟诗表演、经典演奏、演讲和幻灯片都曾每次被播放给上百名观看者。

2. But the movies differed significantly from these other formsof entertainment, which depended on either live performance or (inthe case of the slide-and-lantern shows) the active involvement ofa master of ceremonies who assembled the final program. 主干:moviesdiffered from...,which depended oneither…or…释义:电影与上述娱乐形式有很大不同,上述娱乐或依赖于现场表演,或依赖于一名负责组合节目的专门人员的积极介入。

●第五段:段意:本段指出电影的本质:先前录制好,可多次重复播放并无需放映者介入。 难句分析:1. Although earlyexhibitors regularly accompanied movies with live acts, thesubstance of the movies themselves is mass-produced, prerecordedmaterial that can easily be reproduced by theaters with little orno active participation by the exhibitor. 主干:the substance of themovies is mass-produced,prerecorded materialthat…释义:虽然早期放映者定期随电影一同播放现场表演,电影的本质是大量生产的、先前录制好的胶片,它们能够很容易被剧院复制播放而无需放映者的参与。

2. Even though early exhibitors shaped their film programs bymixing films and other entertainments together in whichever waythey thought would be most attractive to audiences or byaccompanying them with lectures, their creative control remainedlimited. 短语:mix…and…together in whichever way…:将…与…以各种方式混合主干:Eventhough exhibitors shaped their film programs by…or by…,theircontrol remainedlimited释义:早期放映者通常重塑影片,要么将影片和其他娱乐形式以吸引观众的方式混合,要么为电影添加旁白,然而即便如此,放映者的创造性仍然有限。

3.What audiences came to see was the technological marvel of themovies; the lifelike reproduction of the commonplace motion oftrains, of waves striking the shore, and of people walking in thestreet; and the magic made possible by trick photography and themanipulation of the camera. 短语:the technological marvel of themovies:电影技术的奇幻the lifelike reproduction of:栩栩如生的复制trickphotography:特技摄影the manipulation of the camera:对相机的操纵主干:Whataudiences came to see was the technological marvel of…,the lifelikereproduction of…,and themagic…释义:观众是为了欣赏电影技术的奇幻,那些对火车开动、海浪拍击海岸和人潮涌动的栩栩如生的复制,以及通过特技摄影和玩弄相机所制造出来的魔幻景象。


难句分析:1.With the advent of projection, the viewer's relationshipwith the image was no longer private, as it had been with earlierpeepshow devices such as the Kinetoscope and the Mutoscope, whichwas a similar machine that reproduced motion by means of successiveimages on individual photographic cards instead of on strips ofcelluloid. 短语:with the advent of:随着…的出现;分句:“as it had been withearlier peepshow devices”是与“no longerprivate”相对比而言的,即早期的西洋镜设备如Kinetoscope和Mutoscope与观众的关系都是私人化的(private),而如今有了放映机(projector),放映公开化了。“whichwas a similar machine that …”作为定语从句修饰Mutoscope;主干:the viewer’srelationship with the image was no longerprivate;释义:放映机的发明使得观众与影像的关系不再如应用早期西洋镜设备Kinetoscope和Mutoscope时那般私人化,Mutoscope是与Kinetoscope相似的机器,它通过独立胶片上的连续影像来复制动态画面,而不使用硝化纤维塑料。l

















16vaudeville theate杂耍剧院,通俗喜剧剧院(n.)







23slide-and-lantern show幻灯片(n.)







30trick photography特技摄影(n.)







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