Krammervs Krammer
Mommy hasgone away.
Sometimesin the world...
...daddies go away...
...andmommies bring up
theirlittle boys.
Butsometimes, a mommy
can goaway too...
...andyou have your daddy
to bringyou up.
I havegone away
because Imust find...
...something interesting to do
formyself in the world.
Everybodyhas to, and so do l.
Beingyour mommy was one thing,
but thereare other things too...
...andthis is what I have to do.
I did notget a chance
to tellyou this...
...andthat is why
I'mwriting you now.
I willalways be your mommy...
...and Iwill always love you.
I justwon't be your mommy
in thehouse...
...butI'll be your mommy
at theheart.
And now Imust go
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and bethe person I have to be."
I'm sorrytoo.
I wantyou to go to sleep
becauseit's really late.
Now whatis it?
Are yougoing away?
I'mstaying here with you.
You can'tget rid of me that easy.
That'swhy Mommy left, isn't it?
Because Iwas bad?
Is thatwhat you think?
That'snot it, Billy.
Your momloves you very much...
...andthe reason she left has
nothingto do with you.
I don'tknow if this will make sense,
but I'lltry to explain it to you.
I thinkthe reason why Mommy left...
...wasbecause for a long time...
...l kepttrying to make her be
a certainkind of person.
A certainkind of wife that
I thoughtshe was supposed to be.
And shejust wasn't like that.
She justwasn't like that.
I thinkthat she tried for so long
to makeme happy...
...andwhen she couldn't,
she triedto talk to me about it.
But Iwasn't listening.
I was toobusy, too wrapped up...
...justthinking about myself.
And Ithought that anytime
I washappy, she was happy.
But Ithink underneath
she wasvery sad.
Mommystayed here longer than she
wantedbecause she loves you so much.
And thereason why Mommy
couldn'tstay anymore...
...wasbecause she couldn't stand me.
Shedidn't leave because of you.
She leftbecause of me.
Go tosleep now because
it'sreally late, okay?
-Don'tlet the bedbugs bite.
See youin the morning light.
I loveyou.
I loveyou too.
Myex-wife says she loves Billy
and Ibelieve she does.
But Idon't think
that'sthe issue here.
If Iunderstand it correctly...
...whatmeans the most here is
what'sbest for our son.
What'sbest for Billy.
My wifeused to say to me:
"Whycan't a woman have
the sameambitions as a man?"
I thinkyou're right.
And maybeI've learned that much.
By thesame token, I'd like to know...
...whatlaw says a woman is a better
parentsimply by virtue of her sex?
I've hadtime to think about
whatmakes a good parent.
It has todo with constancy.
It has todo with patience...
...listening to him...
...orpretending to listen
when youcan't anymore.
It has todo with love,
like shewas saying.
I don'tknow where it says a woman
has acorner on that market...
...that aman has any less
of thoseemotions than a woman.
Billy hasa home with me.
I've madeit the best I could.
It's notperfect.
I'm not aperfect parent.
SometimesI don't have enough patience
and Iforget that he's a little kid.
But I'mthere.
We eatbreakfast and he talks to me,
and thenwe go to school.
At nightwe have dinner together and
we talkand I read to him and....
And webuilt a life together
and welove each other.
If youdestroy that... maybe irreparable.
Joanna,don't do that, please.
-Don't doit twice to him.
I woke upthis morning.
Keptthinking about Billy...
...and Iwas thinking about
himwaking up in his room...
...withhis little clouds
allaround that I painted...
...and Ithought I should have
paintedclouds downtown because...
...thenhe would think that
he waswaking up at home.
I camehere to take my son home.
And Irealized he already is home.
I lovehim very much.
I'm notgonna take him with me.
Can I goup and talk to him?
Why don'tyou go upstairs
and seehim and I'll wait here.
How do Ilook?