JoinHackerRankasaSolutionengineer_谢彤 hackerrank社区

Our mission is to make the world flat - the only thing thatmatters is your skill and not which school you went to or thecountry you are in.

We have been growing incredibly fast, very soon entering into$10m+ ARR and signing up large Fortune 500 companies acrossdifferent industries - internet, financial services, retail, oil& gas, entertainment/media. You can have a look at ourcustomers here:

A classic case of software eating the world and we are helpingsolve their core problem - hiring great developers in shortertime.

Here are some of the things you will be working on:

Partner with the sales team to provide pre-sales support forsales activities including needs analysis, product demonstrationsand challenge creation.

Reduce/eliminate technical obstacles in order to win thetechnical recommendation from the customer.

Be the bridge between customers & PM's in terms of featurerequests

Work with customers during the evaluation period to successfullyimplement the solution.

The impact you will have in this role is huge - you willessentially be working very closely with the VP's of engg in largefortune 500 companies and designing a modern recruiting strategyfor their company.

To be successful, you should have a good understanding ofprogramming concepts and at least solved 5+ challenges; If you are interested and want to change the world,email me: vivek [at] hackerrank

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《古画品录》——[南朝齐]谢赫撰 谢赫.艾哈迈德.亚辛

  第一段内容:  夫画品者,盖众画之优劣也。图绘者,莫不明劝戒,著升沉,千载寂寥,披图可鉴。虽画有六法,罕能尽该。而自古及今,各善一节。六法者何?一,气韵生动是也;二,骨法用笔是也;三,应物象形是也;四,随类赋彩是也;五,经营位置是也;六,传移模写是

谢霆锋音乐成垃圾,天才终沦陷?(转载) 谢霆锋童年萌照

★谁“杀死”了谢霆锋?★  按:谢霆锋的《Listen up》最近被某著名网站评委“英皇最烂唱片Top10”冠军。而他最新发行的数字专辑《最后。谢霆锋》也被网友批为老土庸俗,而这张也可能是谢霆锋最后的专辑,他早前透露对乐坛心灰意冷,欲离

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