A Rewrite these sentences using had better.
I must stay here.
I hadbetter stay here.
We must wait for him.
We hadbetter wait for him.
You must call a doctor.
You hadbetter call a doctor.
They must go home.
They hadbetter go home.
She must hurry.
She hadbetter hurry.
You must be careful.
You hadbetter be careful.
B Answer these questions using 'll
I went to Sydney a month ago. What about you?
A month's time
I'll go toSydney in a month's time.
A train left for Geneva an hour ago, What about the next one?
an hour's time
The nexttrain will leave for Geneva in an hour's time.
Carol flew to Beijing two days ago. What about you?
two days'time
I'lll flyto Beijing in two day's time.
Tom and Mary went to London an hour ago. What about you andJean?
an hour's time
Jean and Iwill go to London in an hour's time.

中秋时节读唐诗吟“八月十五” 中秋节唐诗

篮球基础班训练计划 初中篮球训练计划
130927 cd271309277jp

中国移动:移动改变生活 责任从“心”开始

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