转载 电流电压转换电路I/U电路 电流表电压表电路图






电流—电压转换电路:The Current-to-Voltage Converter
[转载]电流电压转换电路I/U电路 电流表电压表电路图
Current may be measured in two ways with an operational amplifier.The current may be converted into a voltage with a resistor andthen amplified or the current may be injected directly into asumming node. Converting into voltage is undesirable for tworeasons: first, an impedance is inserted into the measuring linecausing an error; second, amplifier offset voltage is alsoamplified with a subsequent loss of accuracy. The use of acurrent-to-voltage transducer avoids both of these problems. Thecurrent-to-voltage transducer is shown in Figure 13. The inputcurrent is fed directly into the summing node and the amplifieroutput voltage changes to extract the same current from the summingnode through R1. The scale factor of this circuit is R1 volts peramp. The only conversion error in this circuit is Ibias which issummed algebraically with IIN. This basic circuit is useful formany applications other than current measurement. It is shown as aphotocell amplifier in the following section. The only designconstraints are that scale factors must be chosen to minimizeerrors due to bias current and since voltage gain and sourceimpedance are often indeterminate (as with photocells) theamplifier must be compensated for unity-gain operation. Valuabletechniques for bias current compensation are contained in Reference5.




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