发布时间:2024年11月06日 17:10:21分享人:倦鸟归林来源:互联网9
Today I want to write something about mycolleague. In fact they are my closest people in Hang Zhou, besidestwo of my best formal freiends. We spend most of the time togetherwith each other,so it is not difficult to understand that we arevery close with each other.Some people maybe will say that there is no really friendshipbetween colleague.Own intersts may apart people and bring peopletogether.Sometimes I wonder. But I DEFINATELY believe that there isreal freiendship between us!They gave me sorrow, but they slso gaveme &are giving me a lot of happiness! For all these kind people,I will remember for ever!The one I trust most in LP, of course is AA.He is mature. Forhe is six years older than me so he can always give me goodsuggestions .They most important piont is I can open my heart tohim and we can talk a lot and a lot happily. Sometimes I don't knowwhy.I always wonder.It is really very difficult to say.He is nothandsome,and didn't get high education.but he is mybestfriend .I know it is for his goodpersonality. He is kindhearted, humorous,good tempered,his widerange of knowlege......I seldom say very high of some people. Buthe really deserve it!If you met him I am sure that you willimmediately love him....HEHE i am just JOKING. He is the father ofa six year's boy. Wish their family happy and healthy forever......Mr.BB is totally different kinds of people with AA. From thefisrt sight you will put him to the totally differnt side.Maybewhen you see him,he is just smoking , finish onethenstart another one.You may have the feelingtahthe is definately the kind of people whoalways stands in the middle of the road and makes troubles. He isdefinately the kind who can 't dare to tease.But he is not a badman.The other way round he is the kind who can make you feelsafety.Smoking ,I think that is his symbol.He tried to give upsmoking once and told me that :"If you see me smoking, pls take theciggerate away!"ThenAA wondered"If he smoked inthe restroom,what can you do?"Of course, if I am his GF,maybe Iwill,but I am not so I didn't do and now ciggerate is still hisfavorate friend.Of course if he give up, he also give up one of hismost distinct feature.Today we went out for luch together. We etetogether before but this was the first time we went out by we twopeople. In fact thiswas the first timeIwas so clse with somebody. He rode themotorbycle .I sat on the back seat.It is a little bit romantic aswhat i saw in the TV.I can even felt his body heat.All the peoplewho saw may imagine that he is my boyfriend. I caught cold and itlasted for a long time .I had the feeling thatIwas a lot of virus.If somebody touch me they canimmediately become virus.But he dare to eat with me and saidhewas strong enough so he did't care.Just forthis reason he can be my friend.If relationship between us is like"Shang Cai" and "lei",it is enogh for me ---"TIE GE MEN".Lastly, I want to write something about CC,my formalcolleague.He is the kind of people who alway act as olderbrother,though he is just several month older than me.He enteredour company one day before me.From the very begining he helped me alot.No matter what kind of questions ,even if it was very stupid,he always answered patiently. He really helped me a lot .Once hewent to the bus station to pick me up at three o'clock am.Therewere many many this kind of things.But I paid little attention.Sometimes I wondered why I couldn't fall in love with him, in facti couldn't tell which point in his part is bad and i can'tbear.Only till the minute he would leave the company i knew moreand more cleary that he played an important role in my heart.Then Ifought with myself for a long time,and asked myeslf whether I likedhim or not. I am the kind which think a lot but talk little.I thinkhe is also the same.Now we are living not very far with eachother,But I heard that he has girl friend. I don't have the feelingof break-heart but a little bit regret,maybe I should give eachother a chance at least be a little bit kinder to him . Sometimes Iwonder whether he liked me or not before.Now it is no use . I stillnot brave or bold enough to fight for something.So I accept thestatus.Now we are still good friends.Maybe it is enough. I misshim,maybe we miss each other. I am so slow, next time should bequickly&a little bit brave or bold.
爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101010/21189.html

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