![[转载]哥特体 李林哥特体简体中文](http://img.413yy.cn/images/30101030/30065246t01e70cbeb56eb6b10c.jpg)
Blackletter, also known as Gothic script, Gothic minuscule, orTextura, was a script used throughout Western Europe fromapproximately 1150 to well into the 17th century. It continued tobe used for the German language until the 20thcentury.
Fraktur is a notable script of this type, and sometimes the entiregroup of faces is known as Fraktur. Blackletter is sometimes calledOld English, but it is not to be confused with the Old Englishlanguage, despite the popular, though mistaken, belief that thelanguage was written with blackletter. The Old English (orAnglo-Saxon) language predates black letter by many centuries, andwas itself written in the insular script.
The term Gothic was first used to describe this script in15th-century Italy, in the midst of the Renaissance, becauseRenaissance Humanists believed it was barbaric. Gothic was asynonym for barbaric. Flavio Biondo, in Italia Illustrata (1531)thought it was invented by the Lombards after their invasion ofItaly in the 6th century.
Not only were black-letter forms called Gothic script, but anyother seemingly barbarian script, such as Visigothic, Beneventan,and Merovingian, were also labeled "Gothic", in contrast toCarolingian minuscule, a highly legible script which the Humanistscalled littera antiqua, "the ancient letter", wrongly believingthat it was the script used by the Romans. It was invented in thereign of Charlemagne, although only used significantly after thatera.
The black letter must not be confused either with the ancientalphabet of the Gothic language, nor with the sans-serif typefacesthat are also sometimes called Gothic.
Gothic就是野蛮粗犷的代名词~在意大利的Illustrata,FlavioBiondo(1531)认为这货粗现在5世纪时期意大利伦巴沦陷之后。Gothic这诨号太霸气了,于是各种五大三粗的字体都过来插一腿…Visigothic,Beneventan, Merovingian神马的都订上哥特标签来壮威了┗|`O′|┛
所以,不要把黑体和古老的哥特语字母混为一谈,也不要和无衬线的哥特体车上关系了。哥特体有灰常多的变体,有的方一些有的圆一些,有的飘逸有的浪漫,blablabla……所以哪怕自己写粗来的哥特体有点奇怪,也不要紧张,淡定地跟别人介绍,介是一种很少见的哥特体变体就行啦( ̄y▽ ̄)╭
For the present is the only thing of which a man can be deprived,if it is true that this is the only thing which he has, and that aman cannot lose a thing if he has it not.