1.festive 有节日气氛的;喜庆的
2.You wanna say hi?阿要打个招呼啊?
You from China?
You seen that before?
3.reach a certain age 达到一定年龄
reach the legal age达到法定年龄
4.you might wanna open with snowman.
you might wanna ....开头表示提建议~,翻译成‘怎样怎样比较好’
you might wanna talk to your mom first.翻译:你还是先跟你妈妈谈一下比较好。
5.how'd it go?翻译:进展怎么样啊?
比如:why'd you leave me? 这边就连读you;
how'd Lucy go home? 这边就略读,d这个音就可以停顿下下不发了。
7.such a slap in the face字面翻译是脸上一巴掌,其实就是表示很丢人。
i asked her to be my girlfriend on VDay, but she said no. It wassucj a slap in the face.
9.you wish.= you would wish = you would think.都能表示‘你想的美’的意思
10make a pact 制定一个约定
11.you're on.到你了(上场)
12.a smile so bewitching 如此销魂滴微笑
13.my mother's ashes我妈的骨灰
ash可以作骨灰,可以作灰,弹烟灰叫:ash it !
15,take a short break短休息
16.just a smidge= just a little= just a tad 都表示一点点
17.break the pact 违约
19it has (something)todo with ....与。。。有关系
it has to do with your mom.这事儿跟你妈有关。something可以省略
21.sweep everything off the table 清空桌面

22.hop 跳 上车可以叫hop in.
23.i happen to know fun bob.
happen to do sth表示恰巧做某事
24.he keeps shutting me out
shut sb out把某人关在门外;也可以表示不让某人进入你的世界
25.i had a blast with him.
have a blast表示玩得很开心
26.juggling 杂耍
27.grant.名词:补助金; 奖学金叫scholarship
28.make out with my girlfriend
make out with sb 与某人亲热
29.urinate小便;常用的有pee, take a piss
正式场合礼貌就说use the bathroom.
30.what do you say you and i do a little mingling?
what do you say ..... = what do you think....都表示你觉得怎么样
在party或是一些人多的场合,老外很喜欢mingle with people
31.casket 骨灰盒;棺材
32.bring the party down. 把party气氛搞差
34.You are so going toMinsk.
加强语气,you are gonna die你要死了; you are so gonna die.你肯定死了!
i wanna go to CHina.我想去中国。 I so wanna go to China.我太想去中国了。
35.it's tearing me apart.
tear apart把...撕碎 这句话意思就是让我饱受折磨!
36.put your arms around me 抱住我
37.the moment of joy is upon us. 欢乐的时光就要到咯~ upon有接近的意思