WhatDoYouReallyWant? whatdoyouwantforme

What Do You ReallyWant?_wxl
If the 90sBritish pop sensation 'theSpice Girls' ever get remembered foranything, I hope it's for bringing the question 'now tell me whatyou want, what you really, really want?' to the massconsciousnessNow you may laugh at this, but when you really, reallythink about it, is there a more important question you could askyourself? What is a want? A want is a desire. Whether or not we getwhat we want is often based upon the strength of our desires.I knowmany will probably argue with this statement, but in some strangeway, there is a part of me that truly believes that we all get whatwe want. If you really had a burning desire to change your reality,you would do it, right? Well, I'd like to think so.Now if you'reconvinced that it's time you actually started wanting more, thenallow me to share three simple but powerful secrets. 1. Know whatyou want.If ever there was a personal development concept that wasworth grasping it's this one: know what you want. If you don't knowwhat you want, do you really believe that you have any chancewhatsoever of getting it? The sad reality of life is the fact thatthe majority of people in this world don't know what they want.Even sadder is the fact that this is the way most people preferit.If you aren't actively pursuing your own wants and desires,chances are that you will become astatistic of un-fulfilment.Always remember that your employer, government, financialinstitutions, family and peer groups will all be trying to shapeyour life according to their wants, not yours. 2. Ask for what youwant.Once you are clear about what it is you want, you've got toask for it!Can you imagine sitting in a restaurant, reading themenu, making your selection, but not telling the waiter? What areyour chances of getting a meal? Pretty slim! If you are clear aboutwhat you want, you need to start telling other people about youraspirations. When you do this, you will find thatothers willconspire to help make your dream a reality.I've personally hadcountless experiences of people going out oftheir way to help meonce I had letthem know what I wanted.3. Expect to receive what youwant.Itis also very important that you start to develop the mindsetwhereyou just expect to get everything you ask for. When you setyour brain a task or embed an expectation, it will naturally seek afavourable resolution.To extend our restaurant example, once you'veplaced your order you create the expectation within your mind thatyou will get exactly what you want. If the waiter didn't bring themeal you ordered, you'd naturally send it back and wait till theybrought you what you asked for. Why not put this concept intopractice in the other areas of your life? You'll be pleasantlysurprised by the results! Success always has a price!Once you havedecided upon what you want, asked for it and established theexpectation of receiving it, the only thing left for you to do ispay the price. Despite what many self-help gurus might have youbelieve, success will not come to you without sacrifice. Be veryaware of what you are prepared to 'pay' in order to get what youwant.After all that, if your life still isn't serving you thebanquet that you want and deserve, just keep sending it backto thekitchen until it does!What do you really want?你究竟要的是什么?当你做一件事的时候,如果弄明白了‘做这件事我究竟要得到什么,也就是做这件事的目的是什么’你就会目标明确,并直奔主题。例如,我们平时吃饭,如果去餐厅之前就想好了要吃馒头,那我们就会目标明确地直接去卖馒头的窗口买饭。但如果还没决定吃什么时,就会在餐厅里来回打转不知吃什么是好,这样既浪费感情,又浪费时间。因此当我们感到郁闷无聊或不知所错时,请回答自己‘WhatdoI reallywant?’找到了这个问题的答案,也就找到了自己的目标,明确了接下来该干什么。愿望有大小,目标有远近。有了目标和方向后,就要付出实际行动,迈开双脚脚踏实地的实现它,以满足自己的愿望和需求。你还在原地徘徊不前吗?你好在整天虚度无所事事吗?你还在郁闷加无聊吗?时间就是生命,不要自甘堕落。为了自己的目标前途赴汤蹈火,你有这决心的,我知道!今天你进步了吗?


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