细查之下,发现粉红飘香藤极有可能是园艺杂交品种,拉丁很可能是Mandevilla ×amabilis‘Alice duPont’或Mandevilla×amabilis
(Mandevilla amabilis 'PinkParfeit'重瓣品种)
英文名:Brazilian jasmine
拉丁名:Mandevilla × amabilis 'Alice duPont’
科 属:夹竹桃科 飘香藤属[曾归于 双腺藤属Dipladenia]
1.Mandevilla sanderi巴西素馨
2.Mandevilla splendens美丽飘香藤
1.Mandevilla laxa智利素馨、白花飘香藤(Chilean jasmine)
2.Mandevillaboliviensis 玻利维亚飘香藤
1.Mandevilla amabilis'Alice du Pont'粉花单瓣,大朵
2.Mandevilla amabilis 'PinkParfeit'粉花重瓣,大朵
Woody, twinning, evergreen vine with dark, glossy, oval leaves.Clusters of flared, trumpet-shaped flowers. A handsome screen,container or hanging basket plant. Blooms year round. Lowmaintenance. Parts of plant are poisonous if ingested.
1. 百度百科:http://baike.baidu.com/view/2373601.htm
2. TopTropicals:http://toptropicals.com/html/toptropicals/articles/vines/mandevilla.htm和http://toptropicals.com/cgi-bin/garden_catalog/cat.cgi?selectengine=catalog&first=1&number=10&lang=en&sale=1&screen_width=1263&search_op=AND&find=Mandevilla
3. 维基百科:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandevilla_sanderi
Mandevilla sanderi climbs by twining around some supportand it can reach the height of 4.5 meters (15 feet) if the climateis warm. The flowers of the wild form of Mandevilla sanderiare usually pink. The leaves are green and grow to 6 cm (2.5 in)long.
The cultivars of Mandevilla sanderi include 'My FairLady' with flowers of pink and white colour, 'Red Riding Hood' withpink flowers, and 'Scarlet Pimpernel' with red flowers of a yellowthroat
Mandevillas are native to central andSouth America and are named after Henry Mandeville (1773-1861), akeen gardener and member of the British Foreign Office inArgentina.
Mandevilla is a fast growing twining woody climber which spreads toabout 4m (12').
The leaves are oval shaped and glossy, and it has large trumpetshaped deep pink or white sometimes perfumed flowers with yellowthroats which are produced throughout the warmer months.