Some form of risk taking is inherent to any business activity. Somerisks are considered to be "natural" to specific businesses, suchas the risk of oil prices increasing or decreasing is natural tooil drilling and refining firms. Other forms of risk are notwanted, but cannot be avoided without hedging. Someone who has ashop, for example, can take care of natural risks such as the riskof competition, of poor or unpopular products, and so on. The riskof the shopkeeper's inventory being destroyed by fire is unwanted,however, and can be hedged via a fire insurance contract. Not allhedges are financial instruments: a producer that exports toanother country, for example, may hedge its currency risk whenselling by linking its expenses to the desired currency. Banks andother financial institutions use hedging to control theirasset-liability mismatches, such as the maturity matches betweenlong, fixed-rate loans and short-term (implicitly variable-rate)deposits.
Example hedge
A stock trader believes that the stock price of FOO, Inc., willrise over the next month, due to this company's new and efficientmethod of producing widgets. He wants to buy FOO shares to profitfrom their expected price increase. But FOO is part of the highlyvolatile widget industry. If the trader simply bought the sharesbased on his belief that the FOO shares were underpriced, the tradewould be a speculation.
Since the trader is interested in the company, rather than theindustry, he wants to hedge out the industry risk by short sellingan equal value (number of shares × price) of the shares of FOO'sdirect competitor, BAR. If the trader were able to short sell anasset whose price had a mathematically defined relation with FOO'sstock price (for example a call option on FOO shares) the trademight be essentially riskless and be called an arbitrage. But sincesome risk remains in the trade, it is said to be "hedged."
The first day the trader's portfolio is:
Long 1000 shares of FOO at $1 each
Short 500 shares of BAR at $2 each
(Notice that the trader has sold short the same value ofshares.)
On the second day, a favorable news story about the widgetsindustry is published and the value of all widgets stock goes up.FOO, however, because it is a stronger company, goes up by 10%,while BAR goes up by just 5%:
Long 1000 shares of FOO at $1.10 each — $100 profit
Short 500 shares of BAR at $2.10 each — $50 loss
(In a short position, the investor loses money when the price goesup.)
The trader might regret the hedge on day two, since it reduced theprofits on the FOO position. But on the third day, an unfavorablenews story is published about the health effects of widgets, andall widgets stocks crash -- 50% is wiped off the value of thewidgets industry in the course of a few hours. Nevertheless, sinceFOO is the better company, it suffers less than BAR:
Value of long position (FOO):

Day 1 — $1000
Day 2 — $1100
Day 3 — $550 => $450 loss
Value of short position (BAR):
Day 1 — $1000
Day 2 — $1050
Day 3 — $525 => $475 profit
Without the hedge, the trader would have lost $450. But the hedge -the short sale of BAR - gives a profit of $475, for a net profit of$25 during a dramatic market collapse.
空单500股,单价$2.1 损失:-$50