热恋的感觉 热恋期一般多久

热恋的感觉If let you describe your feeling offalling in love ,what should be?If let youdescribe your feeling of falling in love ,what shouldbe?
In my opinion,the feeling offalling in love is like you eat the poison. He is the whole worldfor me, and he can control me, I am very obedient to him. I care ofhim very much,and sometimes,I am very narrow, I do not like histalking with other girls. When he chatted with other girls,I am soangry.

I have an impulsion to marry tohim if I fall in love with him.

I think he is me,and even he ismore important than me. I am happy for he is happy; I got sad whenhe is sad,I like just what he likes,his habit becomes mine,I amsatisfied just because he is…once he got collywobbles,though I madea joke :you are expecting!!!haha, A pain stabbed myheart,too.

We have beentogether for a long time,and I think we look so alike. Last time,heholds me close,standing in front of the mirror,said: we look soalike,doesn’t we? Well, it is theso-calledfuqixiang(I can nottranslate this*.*). Some one said we are match each otherperfactly.

When you fall in love with aperson,you will have a feeling of kind. He(she) makes youcomfortable. You can trust and rely on him. He is just like ur dearfamily, I could even say that he is more close to ur own family.The close contains the feeling of warm, it is the feeling ofyourlover. In the happy kingdomof love, he will not pick the flaw of you,for he will hold all ofur faults. You feel that he is the most handsome boy. Beauty is theeyes of the beholder,haha.
There areallhis names in my diary, and Iconcern all the things related to him. I miss him for a wholenight,without sleep. And sometimesIyearn day and night. Onemoment without him seems like threeyears.
I feel so happy with him,whenhave dinner with him,a simple diet is alsodelicious.

It is a poem of falling inlove,and you and she and he is thepoet.
热恋的感觉 热恋期一般多久



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