? ? 之前在使用电脑的时候,老是弹出COM Surrogate已经停止工作的提示,我实在是忍受不了这种莫名奇妙的错误,于是上网查了一些资料,现在将这些资料总结一下!
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?第一篇?关于32位win7的操作办法
? ? ?ps:64位win7处理办法在下面第二篇里会有所提及
? ? ?最近一个礼拜,每次打开我的视频文件夹时,总是会弹出一个错误框,提示COM Surrogate已经停止工作,或是Explorer已经停止工作,需要重启,虽然不影响使用,但是很不爽,便上坛子转了转,发现这个问题很普遍,而且解决了这个问题的人并不多,碰巧,我找到了一个方法,现整理如下:
? ? ? 右击计算机,点击属性,出来下面界面
关于COM Surrogate已经停止工作的问题的处理_com surrogate已停止工作
参考了 Alan McC 的英文原稿,在次表示谢谢了。
If you've been getting the error COM Surrogate has stopped working whenever you browse folders containing video or media files, you have come to a good place for some possible solutions. This problem is caused because of codecs and other COM components installed by various softwares that aren't fully Vista-compatible, like some versions of DivX or Nero.
Here's the error message:
There are a number of possible solutions to this problem, and the right solution depends greatly on what software is actually causing the problem. Some of the most well-known problem causing softwares are DivX and Nero, but there are others that cause the problem as well.
关于COM Surrogate已经停止工作的问题的处理_com surrogate已停止工作
Possible Solutions
·If you are using DivX, you should be upgraded to the very latest version (6.5+)
·If you are using Nero, you can try upgrading to the latest version (
·If you’ve upgraded Nero and Divx and still have the problem, you can try renaming the file C:Program FilesCommon FilesAheadDSFilterNeVideo.ax to NeVideo.ax.bak. ?You may also need to rename NeVideoHD.ax to NeVideoHD.bakThis will break Nero Showtime, however. (thanks to dugi in the comments for this one)
·You can disable Thumbnail previews, which should make the problem go away, but isn't the optimal solution.
·The older ffdshow codec pack has been known to cause some problems. The ffdshow tryouts codec pack seems to work better. Might want to try using this one: ?http://ffdshow-tryout.sourceforge.net/
·If you'd like to uninstall Nero entirely, there is a utility that they provide to help with complete uninstall that helps a lot in instances where you have a bad installation of an older version. http://www.nero.com/nero7/eng/FAQs_Nero7_NeroVision.html
·Some users have recommended installing the Vista Codec Package in order to update all your codecs to the correct versions. I can't confirm that this works because I have not tried it myself. As always, be careful when installing unknown components and create a restore point.
·You can use the very useful MMCompView free utility from Nirsoft to disable any codecs on the system. This is very useful to help troubleshoot exactly which component is causing the problem.
·There's another possible solution below of turning off DEP for dllhost, which might not work for everybody. You may have to add divx+nero executables to the DEP ignore list.
Alan McC wrote in with this fix that might solve the problem in a much easier way. Essentially, turning off Data Execution Prevention on dllhost (the COM surrogate) can fix this problem for some people. This solution is detailed below.
Right click on Computer, and choose Properties
Click on Advanced System Settings, and then under Advanced, click Settings
关于COM Surrogate已经停止工作的问题的处理_com surrogate已停止工作
Select the "Data Execution Protection" tab, and then click “Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select???
Click on the Add button, and then browse to C:WindowsSystem32dllhost.exe as shown
Click Open, and then OK.
Here's what you should see…
Now you can browse video folders without problems!
1)Right click on Computer, and choose Properties [单击“我的电脑→右键”,选择(Choose)“属性”]
2)Click on Advanced System Settings, and then under Advanced, click Settings [选择(Choose)“高级操作操作系统设置高级→性能设置"]
3)Select the “Data Execution Protection” tab, and then click “Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select” [选择(Choose)"数据(Data)执行保护为除下列选定程序(Procedures)之外的所有程序(Procedures)和服务启动操作系统DEP(U)"]
4)Click on the Add button, and then browse to C:WindowsSystem32dllhost.exe as shown [单击"添加",浏览"C:WindowsSystem32",找到"dllhost.exe",然后打开.COM Surrogate会自动添加进来的!]
5)Click Open, and then OK.[确定,OK!]
6)Now you can browse video folders without problems