英语两人小对话 两人自我介绍英语对话



Todd: OK. Hello!

Steven: Hello, there!

Todd: How are you doing today?

Steven: Pretty good.

Todd: Could you please introduce yourself(介绍下你自己).

Steven: Yeah. My name is Steven. And I come from the North of England.

英语两人小对话 两人自我介绍英语对话

Todd: Oh, really! Where in the North of England?

Steven: A little village called Gawsworth.

Todd: Mm-hm. Is it a big place?

Steven: No, it's about 10,000 people I think.

Todd: Oh, really? Do you go back there often?

Steven: Not so often. The last time I went back was Christmas.

Todd: Oh, really! OK. Did you have a good time?

Steven: Yeah, it was very nice. I saw old friends and family and did the usual Christmas things.

Todd: What actually are the usual Christmas things?

Steven: Oh, I guess, uh, a lot of eating and a lot of drinking and a lot of laughing. Just general fun and games I guess.

Todd: How many of your family members still live in this town?

Steven: Well they don't actually....my mum and dad live in the town...um, my brother and sister actually live pretty close to this town, so my family is all in that general area.

Todd: Oh, OK. Great. Thanks a lot Steven.


A:ls this Yang Dong?


B:Yes,that's right.


A:Please allow me to introduce myself. my name is Yue Qun.


B:I'm glad to meet you,Mr.Yue.


A:l'II call you if you give me a name card.


B:l'm sorry, but I don't have any with me now.


A:So could you please tell me your number?


B:It's eight eight two five seven six nine zero.


A:l'II call you tomorow.


B:OK. Look forward to your call.




hello 和 hi用来问候他人。Hello可以用在正式和非正式场合。Hi 则比较非正式。hello 和 hi都可以用在一天当中的任何时候。

Hello. 你好。

Hi! 嗨!


使用 I'm 和 My name is 告诉别人你的名字。

I'm Paul. 我是 Paul。

My name is Nancy. 我叫 Nancy。



What's your name? 你叫什么名字?

有两种告诉别人你的名字的常用方法。你可以说 I'm + 你的名字。I'm 是 I am 的缩写。在对话中我们经常使用缩写。

I'm Joe. 我是乔。

你还可以用 My name is + 你的名字。这比 I'm 稍微正式一些。 My name is Ann. 我的名字是安。


当你初次见到某人,你会说很高兴见到他们,他们会说 too 很高兴见到你们。too 意思是也。

A: Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。

B: Nice to meet you, too. 见到你我也很高兴。

告别 对话结束时用goodbye一词。Bye是goodbye的简短形式,更加非正式一些。 Goodbye. 再见。 Bye. 拜拜。


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/250961/50106251.html


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