面试如何谈薪资 面试用的英文自我介绍

面试如何谈薪资 面试用的英文自我介绍

Good afternoon,honorable professors, I am very glad to have this opportunity of attending the final test, and I would

appreciate it much more if I am lucky enough to get the admission of enrolling in the graduate school. First of all, I would like to introduce myself, my name is .., I graduated from ....universtiy in 2004. During my university years, I studied very hard,and successfuly passed the band 4 and band eight 8 test for english major with both certificates awarded. Besides, I was chosen to participate in the CCTV english speech contest getting the third prize in the end. After my graduation, I worked in the affiliated senior high school of this university as an english teacher and also a staff member in the school’s foreign affairs office,in charge of the employing of foreign teachers. Three years later, I went to ...city landing a job in the No.11 middle school working as senior high school english teacher again. And last year, I resigned my job, cooperated with my friend to start a tutorial class center. And these are what happended to me from my graduation until now. Well, fast-forward time fled as if in a split second before I know it. It is already 7 years since my graduation. I am already 30 years old,with no time left for me to try again. So it is the last chance for me to become a post graduate students in my life. If I could be successful, I swear I would make the best of the opportunity of getting further education to fufill my longcherished dreams. Thank you, honorable professors


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      在宝贵的面试机会中谈薪资是一种浪费,从某种意义上说,这是给别人一个拒绝你的理由。所以职业顾问不主张在面试时主动和老板谈薪水。但在有些面试中,即使你一再避免谈薪水,面试官还是会要求你正面回答这些问题。 这个时候如

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 这个世界是奇怪的,每天早晨,只要我们从睡梦中醒来,总是有太多令人费解的事在等着我们;这个世界是复杂的,复杂得凭我们现在所掌握的能力不足以去阻止将要发生的变故;这个世界是迷惘的,我们都身陷其中,追寻着属于自己的道路……   作为人

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