h1z1英语日常交流用语 英语日常交流用语句子



Don't take it that seriously

W: I don't understand why Wang Lei broke up with me?

M: Don't take it that seriously.

W: I'm trying to forget.

M: Don't take it that seriously and spend money on food.

W: But I always want to save some money.

M: Money is for spending.

Why don't you give it a try

W: I heard our company is going to hire an assistant for the manager.

M: Do you think I can do it?

W: I think you are good. Why don't you give it a try?

M: Do you think I am good enough to pass the exam for art school.

W: I think you are good. Why don't you give it a try?

M: I'll think about it.

How annoying it is

W: How annoying it is!

M: What happened?

W: I just bought a new bike and it was stolen.

M: My boss just scolded me. How annoying it is!

W: Why did he scold you?

h1z1英语日常交流用语 英语日常交流用语句子

M: No idea.

Don't listen to him

W: Who told you I would buy a house?

M: It was Xiao Wang.

W: Don't listen to him. I have no money.

M: Wang Hong said that I look good when I'm in colorful clothes.

W: Don't listen to him. Just try on this white one.

M: Ok.

It should be true

W:I heard you changed your job.

M:It's true. I will go to the headquarter to work.

W:It's a good chance.

M:Is he your husband?

W:It should be true but we haven't married yet.

M:When are you going to register?

You may do your own work

W:Sir,do you have anything else?

M:No,nothing. You may do your own work now.

W:Then please call me if you need my help.

M:I can handle it myself. You may do your own work.

W:It doesn't matter. I am free at the moment.

M:Ok,thank you very much.

Just be more careful next time

W: Sir, is this the car you parked here?

M: Sorry, I don't know parking is not allowed here.

W: No problem, just be more careful next time.

M: I always forget to add the punctuation at the end of a sentence.

W: No problem, just be more careful next time.

M: But I have been more careful

Just say it

W: Do you have anything?

M: Yes, but I don't know how to tell you about it.

W: No problem, just say it.

M: Wang Han, can you say yes to me on one thing?

W: Just say it.

M: Can you go to Xi Dan with me on the weekend?

You have a point there

W: I thought you'd work overtime.

M: You have a point there. I just got the notice.

W: Really? I just guessed it.

M: You had a point there yesterday.

W: What did I say?

M: The road was too crowded.

Just take it easy

W: How was the exam?

M: I didn't do well.

W: Just take it easy. Next time do it better.

M: Today the boss scolded me in the office.

W: Just take it easy. Maybe he was too angry at the moment.

M: I am angry too.

Lovers should get married

W: The end of this movie is too tragic.

M: Yes, the leading characters didn't get married.

W: It would be great if the lovers got married.

M: They will get married after being in love for 8 years.

W: Yes, the lover should get married.

M: It is for sure that I will attend their wedding.

You look younger than ever

W: You look younger than ever.

M: Really? I just take an active attitude to life.

W: It seems the attitude is very important for health.

M: I am beginning to learn the waltz now.

W: You look younger than ever.

M: How about learning it with me?

Don't give yourself too much pressure.

Last night,I worked until mid-night.It really gives me a headache.

Although work is important,don't give yourself too much pressure.

Yeah, Health is the most important thing.

I never think I am good enough.

Don't give yourself too much pressure.Think more of your merits.

Let me have a try.

I Have a good time.

Let's go to sing songs together this evening.

No, Thank you.I am otherwise engaged.I hope you have fun.

Ok. Be sure to join us next time.

What are you going to do this weekend?

I am going to the suburb to pick fruit. Are you coming?

No, thanks . I hope you have fun.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/250161/543293493.html



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英语日常用语口语练习 日常生活英语口语课堂用语

  英语口语是被英语国家人民普遍应用的口头交流的语言形式。  通常是通过声音传播的。英语文学作品中也常以书面形式记叙英语口语。  英语口语灵活多变,多因场合与发言者不同而被自由使用。与口语相对,书面英语是在口语的基

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