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Jim:I don’t know if you remember but it was on this very day last year that we tied the knot。

Kate:Of course I remember. Actually, I’m very impressed that you remembered. I thought for sure you would forget。

Jim:How could I ever forget? I even bought you roses because I love you。

Kate:They are so beautiful. I love them and I love you too。

Jim:You are more beautiful than the roses。

Kate:I don’t know how but I love you more now than the day we got married。

Jim:Yes, we are a match made in heaven。

Kate:I know over the past year we have faced our share of trouble but we survived and here we are。

Jim:Yes, indeed, we did have problems, but we shared a lot of happiness too. We conquered the problems and had a lot of happiness too。

Kate:Yes, we did。

Jim:I love you! Happy anniversary!

Kate:I love you! Happy anniversary!


Mary:Happy birthday! This is for you, Brian。

Brian:I’m so happy you remembered. Please come in and enjoy the party. Everyone is here. I’m sure you’ll have a good time。

Mary:Brian, may I have the pleasure to have a dance with you?


Mary:This is a really wonderful party。

Brian:Yes. You are always popular with everyone. And you look very pretty today。

Mary:Thanks. That’s kind of you to say. I hope my necklace goes with my dress and they both make me look as good as I feel。

Brian:You look great. You’re absolutely glowing。

Mary:Thanks. This is a fun Party. We should have a drink together to celebrate your birthday


Jenny:Hello, Is that Dad?

Dad:Yes, Jenny. How have you been?

Jenny:I’m fine, dad. Happy Father’s Day!

Dad:Oh, Jenny, thank you。

Jenny:I miss you a lot, Dad。

Dad:I miss you too, my little girl. So does Mom。

Jenny:Dad, I didn’t see what a good father you were to us before, but now I do. You’re the best! It’s lucky to be your daughter。

Dad:That’s very nice of you to say, sweetie。

Jenny:On this special day I want to say thank you for your guidance and support. I might be far from home, but I’ve always felt close to you and Mom。

Dad:I’m glad. Mom and I hope you come home soon。

Jenny:I will. I love you, Dad.

买衣服英语场景对话 关于英语场景对话精选

Dad:Love you too。


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/250061/171424548.html


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