简单英文笑话 简单英文笑话带翻译阅读

简单英文笑话 简单英文笑话带翻译阅读



Uncle Frank, at 79, was a healthy and wealthy man, a lifelong bachelor. He courted a lot, he said, but "never boiled over-just simmered." On a whim, he decided to take a trip around the country to look up nearly a dozen old girlfriends.

Upon his return he exclaimed, "Whew! Thank goodness I never married any of those women - They're all widows now!




A woman got a dent in her car and took it in to the repair shop.

The repairman decided to have a wee bit of fun. So he told her all she had to do was to take ithome and blow in the tailpipe until the dent popped itself out.

After 15 minutes of this, a lady-one of the woman's friends came over and asked what shewas doing.

"I'm trying to pop out this dent, but it's not really working."

"Duh you have to roll up the windows first!"







The notorious cheap skate finally decided to have a party. Explaining to a friend how to find hisapartment, he said, "Come up to the fifth floor and ring the doorbell with your elbow. Whenthe door open, push with your foot."

"Why use my elbow and foot?"

"Well, gosh," was the reply, "You're not coming empty-handed, are you?"





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简单英文笑话 关于简单英文笑话带翻译

英语笑话的娱乐作用可以减轻人的心理压力,促进身体健康。小编分享关于简单英文笑话带翻译,希望可以帮助大家!关于简单英文笑话带翻译:It's in English 儿童语言Our four-year-old son speaks English and German, and he has picke

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在交际场合讲个英语笑话,不仅可以体现自己的语言水平,还可以加深大家对自己的印象和增加好感。小编精心收集了简单英文笑话带翻译,供大家欣赏学习!简单英文笑话带翻译:How much is four minus four四减四等于几One day, the teach

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笑话一般指短小、滑稽的故事,通过简单的英语笑话我们在娱乐的同时也可以无负担地学习到英语。本文是简单经典的英文笑话带翻译,希望对大家有帮助!简单经典的英文笑话带翻译:Expand and contract 热胀冷缩Teacher: We all know that

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从古到今,笑话是人们生活中不可缺少的“调剂品”。在大家难过时讲一个笑话可以让彼此变得开心起来。本文是关于简单英文笑话带翻译,希望对大家有帮助!关于简单英文笑话带翻译:Four elements 四大元素Teacher: What are the four el

简单英文笑话 简单英文笑话带翻译阅读

亲人和亲人之间,不打不成交,打是疼骂是爱,事后把一切当成笑话,和解多么省事。小编分享简单英文笑话带翻译,希望可以帮助大家!简单英文笑话带翻译:幸好没结婚Uncle Frank, at 79, was a healthy and wealthy man, a lifelong bachelor.

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