英语短文故事带翻译 关于英语故事小短文带翻译


关于英语故事小短文带翻译:The Noses Knows


“One should never investigate a case in a desultory manner,” said Tom.


He slowly detached his pair of silver handcuffs from his police belt.


“We're going to detain the suspect pending further investigation.”


He put the detached handcuffs on the suspect's wrists.


“My nose detects the presence of blood.”


“You're an amazing detective, Tom,” I said.


“I didn't know that blood had a detectable odor.


If it is blood, our suspect might be spending the rest of his life in detention.


Do you think that a life sentence will deter other people from committing crimes?”


“Perhaps it will deter a few people,” Tom responded.


“I think a death sentence is a much better deterrent,” he said, smirking.


“Look here. It appears that he tried to use detergent to clean up the blood.


Now we have to determine whether to apply to Judge Firecracker's court for a search warrant.


Blood will deteriorate search warrant, it might be too late.


I detest delays.”


“Tom, I strongly recommend that we wait for the warrant,” I advised.


“Legality should be the determinant.


If the search is later declared illegal by the court, it will be very detrimental to our case.


I think waiting a few days won't detract from our investigation.”


“I guess you're right,” Tom replied.


“Searching without a warrant could prove to be a detriment.


Besides, if Judge Firecracker ever found out, it would create a temper detonation that would blow the roof off the courthouse. ”


英语短文故事带翻译 关于英语故事小短文带翻译


Bert proposed to Lillian on Valentine's Day. They were engaged to be married exactly one year later. But they weren't having an ordinary wedding. Bert was a scuba diving instructor. He met Lillian in Thailand on one of the dives he was leading.


From the moment they saw each other, they knew the other was special. Lillian remembers looking into his eyes and thinking, "This is the man I am going to marry." Now, three years later they are recreating that memory.


They've hired a professinal underwater priest to perform the ceremony off the coast of Thailand. They've invited all their friends (but only the four that know how to scuba dive are going to attended.) Lillian had a special white wedding wetsuit made. And, of course, they have the ring.


Bert took extra caution and had a small chain made to attach the ring to his wetsuit. If he dropped it there would be no finding it. So, this Valentine's Day Bert and his fiancee Lillian are going to say underwater"I do".


关于英语故事小短文带翻译:The “Ultra Bomber”


“How could something so small be so devastating?” John wondered as he walked through the debris.


The devastation was beyond belief.


The device had devastated the entire building and part of the neighboring area.


The truck that brought it had traveled a devious route to avoid detection.


“What kind of diabolical mind would devise such a diabolic scheme?” I asked myself.


“It must be someone completely devoid of compassion.”


The explosion had ripped through a residential building, injuring hundreds of people.


These recurring acts of violence had devitalized the area.


“I think I recognize the handiwork,” John said, as he examined a recovered piece of the device.


“Do you see the diagonal circuitry?” he said, pointing his finger.


“This is the work of a dexterous bomb maker.


If I'm right, this circuitry will match the diagram I have in my file.”


“Exactly what are you saying?” I asked.


“This catastrophe is the work of the ‘ultra bomber, '” John replied.


“The ‘Ultra bomber' is a devotee of an anti-government cult.


In the last few years, his misguided devotion has led him to bomb several government buildings.

在过去的几年里 ,对该教派走火入魔似的忠诚促使他炸毁了几栋政府大楼。

He claims to be a devout Christian but that is clearly debatable.


Christians do not devote their lives to killing people.”


“Let's get the injured people out of the building,” I said.


“They need to be diagnosed and treated.


We don't have the proper diagnostic equipment here with us.”


“Okay,” John replied.


“But since it's going to be a long night, would you mind if I devour a candy bar before we start?”



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/249661/901504758.html


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