简单英文笑话 关于简单英文笑话带翻译


关于简单英文笑话带翻译:It's in English 儿童语言

Our four-year-old son speaks English and German, and he has picked up some Cantonese since living in Hong Kong.

One day I was getting ready to take him to a rugby game. His mother, not being a rugby fan, planned a quiet afternoon at home. Our son, however, pleaded.

"Come on, Mommy, you must come."

"I don't understand the game," she replied.

"But it's in English, Mommy!"






关于简单英文笑话带翻译:A father and his son 父与子

A little boy was very naughty and would not say his prayers before going to bed.

One day his father warned him that if he kept doing so. He would not go to heaven. The boy cried noisily and said, "I don't like to go to heaven alone. I want to go with you and mama."



关于简单英文笑话带翻译:Hand off 请勿触摸

At the art museum the sign "Hand off" was displayed before the statue of Venus. It was very easy to notice.

A small child looked from the sign to the statue and said disinterestedly, "Anybody can see that her hand has fallen off."



关于简单英文笑话带翻译:The First Man 第一个男人

A small boy was asked, "Who was the first man?" He promptly replied, "George Washington."

When his brother reminded him of Adam, the boy replied unhappily, "Oh, I didn't think you were counting foreigners."



关于简单英文笑话带翻译:Go Slow 慢行

Little Peter is a boy of nine. He began to go to school the year before last and now he's in Grade Three. He lives not far form the school, but he's often late for class. He likes watching TV in the evening and goes to bed late, so he can't get up early in the morning.

This term Mrs Black, Peter's aunt works in Peter's school. She teaches Grade Three English, She is strict with Peter and often tells the boy to obey the school rules and come to school in time. Yesterday morning Peter got up late. When he got to school. Itwas ten past eight. His aunt was waiting for him at the school gate.

"You're ten minutes late for the first class, Peter," Mrs Black said angrily. "Why are you often late for class?''

"Every time when I get to the street corner, I see a guidepost. It says, 'SCHOOL--GO SLOW'!"




简单英文笑话 关于简单英文笑话带翻译



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/249661/434298815.html


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