四年级英语故事短文 四年级上册英语故事短文



I had had it with life. My career was unexciting. My marriage was on the rocks and I didn't like the direction my figure was going.I felt life was boring and meaningless.


One day, I saw a butterfly trying to escape from my home. It kept flying into the window. Clearly, it thought that was its way out. Instead of finding freedom, it became tired and ended up stuck in a spider's web. I learned something from that butterfly. I decided to take charge of my life. I wrote a list with different headings: marriage-work-me. Under them, I listed what I didn't like.


Each day when I woke up, I picked something from the list. Throughout the day, I learned to love it, got rid of it or changed it. It took almost a year but, eventually, I had changed everything on the list.


I realized, like the butterfly, I just kept going in the same direction. I simply took a different direction and dealt with life one step at a time.


【美】 Meredith Walker 著 陈怡芬 译


The first rule to be successful is to recognize agood idea and do something with it. That is exactlywhat Scott Adams, the inventor of Dilbert, did.Dilbert is very popular cartoon character thatgraces over 2,000 newspapers, appears on a varietyof licensed products and has 29 printed books.


Dilbert first appeared one day while Adams was entering himself during a boring businessmeeting.


As usual, Adams was doodling rather insulting characters of his co-workers and bosses andthere in front of him was Dilbert. Adams thought Dilbert might have potential as a comic strip.In 1988, he made up a few strips with his new charater and mailed them out to some of themajor cartoon companies.


Dilbert was selected out of thousands that were recieved and Adams was given a contract.Adams didn't quite his day job until 1995. He decided that for Dilbert to really take off, heneeded to give him full attention. It paid off! Now, Dilbert is recognized in 65 different countries.


【美】 Meredith Walker 著 陈怡芬 译


It was drizzling outside. I was standing at the busstop when I noticed a woman standing in the raininstead of under the cover.


She was clearly upset about something and trying tomake a call on her cell phone. She shouted someangry words into the phone then slammed it shut. The rain couldn't hide her tears.


I had a bouquet of flowers for the host of the dinner party I was going to. I plucked out abeautiful red rose and gave it to the woman as she was getting into a taxi. Before she closedthe door, she said in a weak voice,"Thank you."


A few years later, I saw the same woman at a party. I recognized her and introduced myself. Ireminded her of the rainy day I gave her a flower.


四年级英语故事短文 四年级上册英语故事短文

She hugged me and said that the rose made her day. She told me that on the day I gave herthe flower she had discovered someone had betrayed her, but the flower reminded her thatthere are still good people in the world.



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