桃花运 双语调查:女人涂口红 桃花运更好


Can wearing lipstick make you likeable? Make-up changes the way other people respond to you - and can even make you lucky in love

Most of us know that first impressions count. But now it seems that you can change people's perceptions - just by choosing the right foundation.

女人涂口红 桃花运更好

Speaking to the Sunday Times Style magazine, French neuroscientist Dr Arnaud Aubert revealed that imperfections can distract the brain, with the result that people with less than flawless skin are ranked lower on the social scale than they otherwise might be.

What's more, make-up can also help boost your chances of success in everything from career to love, if Aubert is to be believed.

桃花运 双语调查:女人涂口红 桃花运更好

According to the scientist, who has authored a number of studies reflecting on the links between make-up, appearance and the way people perceive others, the 'social triangle' - the area from the eyes down to the mouth - is key to success.

'All the social information is in the centre of the face,' explains Aubert. 'If the brain is distracted by imperfections [such as spots], it processes less and so has a weaker social assessment of the person it is looking at.'

Aubert's contention is backed by a 2011 study by beauty giant Proctor & Gamble that looked at how people reacted to women of all ages and ethnicities in and out of make-up.

According to Nancy Etcoff, the lead scientist, those who wore make-up were seen as more likeable, trustworthy, attractive and competent.

Even those with thick make-up, although considered less trustworthy, were still thought to be more attractive and competent than those wearing nothing at all.

This is something with which Lisa Eldridge, a leading make-up artist, can agree.

'I think make-up is a bit of a calling card because it's the first place you look,' Eldridge told the Sunday Times.

'If someone is wearing too much make-up, it can affect the way people talk to them, especially in the workplace.

Bad make-up just looks terrible and can be a hindrance: poorly applied and matched foundation or false eyelashes worn to the office, for example, is too much of a distraction.'

The solution? Keep it light, don't forget the BB cream and save make-up free days for the weekend.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/249261/208255348.html


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