英文爱情段落 关于爱情的英文段落阅读



Love is like a four-season garden

A relationship is like a garden, if it is to strive it must be watered regularly, special care must be given; take into account the seasons as well as any unpredictable weather. New seeds must be sown and weeds must be pulled. Similarly, to keep the magic of love alive, we must understand its seasons and nurture love’s special needs.

The springtime of love

Falling in love is like springtime. We feel as though we will be happy forever. We can’t image not loving a partner. It is a time of innocence. Love seems eternal. It is a magic time when everything seems perfect and works effortlessly. Our partner seems to be the perfect fit. We effortless dance together in harmony and rejoice our good fortune.

The summer of love

Throughout the summer of love, we realize our partner is not as perfect as we thought. And we have to work on our relationship, not only is our partner from other planet, but he or she is also a human who makes mistakes and flawed in certain ways. Frustration and disappointment arise. Weeds need to be uprooted and plant need extra watering under the hot sun. It is no longer easy to give love and get the love we need. We discover that we are not always happy, and we do not always feel loving. It is not our picture of love. Many couples at this point become disillusioned. They do not want to work on a relationship. They unrealistically expect it to be spring all the time. They blame their partners and give up. They do not realize that love is not always easy; sometimes requires hard work under a hot sun. In the summer season of love, we need to nurture our partner’ needs, as well as ask for and get the love we need. It doesn’t happen automatically.

The autumn of love

As result of tending the garden during the summer, we get to harvest results of our hard work. Fall has come. It is a golden time--- rich and fulfilling. We experience a more mature love that accepts and understands our partner’s imperfections as well as our own. It is a time of thanksgiving and sharing. Having worked hard during the summer, we can relax and enjoy the love we have created.

The winter of love

Then weather changes again, and winter comes. During the cold barren months of winter, all of our nature pulls back within itself. It is a time of rest, reflection, and renewal.

It is a time and relationships we experience only unresolved pain or our shadow self. It is when our lid comes off and our painful feeling emerge. It is a time of solitary growth when who need to look more to ourselves than to our partners for love and fulfillment. It is a time of healing, This is the time when men hibernate in their caves and women sink to the bottom of their wells.

After loving and healing ourselves through the dark winter of love, then spring inevitably returns. Once again, we are blessed with the feeling of hope, love and an abundance of possibilities. Based on our inner healing and soul searching of our winter journey, we are then able to open our hearts, and feel springtime of love.







挫折与失望提高了,杂草必须连根拔起,烈阳下的植物必须加倍浇水。爱与被爱不再那么容易。我们发现我们并非永远快乐,也非一直都能感受到爱。这现象和我们的爱情图像不同。 许多的爱情在这时破灭了,他们不愿意为这份关系努力,只是不切实际地期待永远都是春天;他们谴责伴侣,放弃努力;他们不知道爱情并非永远是那么轻而易得,有时需在烈日下辛苦工作才会有结果。在爱情的夏天里,我们必须灌溉伴侣的需求并向对方要求我们需要的爱。良好的关系不是天生的。







Clouds had settled in on the frigid day. Their love was frozen, held in place. His loving stares and her fair love Could not conquer their stubborness. No matter how hard she tried she was ridiculed. All the signs he had shown with great care Were not perceived by other than her.

在寒冷刺骨的这天,密云涌动。 他们的爱犹如被冰封,停滞不前。 他深情的凝视和她纯真的爱, 都无法打破彼此间的顽固屏障。 无论她多努力,都免不了旁人的奚落。 他小心翼翼传递的所有爱的暗示, 除了她,别人都不以为意。

He had loved her for quite some time, And she well knew what he wanted. But how was she to speak up? How was he to get past his reputation to love her for real? She tried so hard to get past the stares Past the rumors and humored lies And he saw so well past and tried hard as well.

他对她的爱已非一朝一夕, 而她也清楚他所渴望得到的 但是她要如何说出口? 他要如何放下身份,真心真意地爱她? 她竭力忽视他的深情凝望, 忽视流言蜚语,以及甜蜜的谎言, 而他也非常努力,成功抵挡住这一切。

Like Romeo and Juliet they had moments. Silent and unknown moments where their eyes met, Hearts raced, and it was like love at first sight. But ala it just could not come through. Like Jack and Sally he could not see All she had done, all she sacrificed for him. Suffering and tattered her heart was when he would not look astray his work To catch a glimpse of the girl behind him, Darkness covered in her golden hair. Their personalities mixed and mingled, His status as a social king and she as a Fallen Angel Went so well with everything. And who was this girl you may ask? The Night of his Day? None other than me, who stands before you now. Cloaked in darkness and despair, waiting for the chance to show her love. Maybe today, maybe tomorrow. Uncertain she wa standing in the shadows. Whether or not they do fall deep in love, well now, it's just not that fair to know. Patient and innocent they shall wait; nothing else to do but wait.

就像罗密欧和朱丽叶,他们曾拥有美妙时刻。 那些静谧的无名时刻,他们四目相投, 心如鹿撞,犹如一见情花开。 奈何啊,这段恋情只开花不能结果。 就像杰克和莎莉,他看不到, 她所做的一切,为他所做的牺牲。 她备受煎熬,心渐渐破碎,只因他心无旁骛,寄情工作, 也不看一眼他身后的那个女孩。 黑暗笼罩着她金色的头发。 他们个性相投相容, 他在社交界如鱼得水,而她则是“堕落天使” 一切都那么美好。 你也许会问,这位姑娘是谁?他是白昼而她是黑夜? 那就是我,正站在你面前的这位姑娘。 她被阴暗和绝望缠绕,等待着示爱的机会。 可能今天,可能明天。她站在暗处,犹豫不定。 他们是否深坠爱河,现在,仍说不清道不明。 他们要耐着性子,单纯天真地等待时机;什么也做不了,只能等待。


1℃ love

英文爱情段落 关于爱情的英文段落阅读

In an cold winter,a couple had to move out from the luxury villa because of bankruptcy.The husband worked day and night to support the family but with no care of his wife.So she thought,"he doesn't love me any more,he just cares his business...not me".

One day,she began to take a bath,he stopped her at the door,"Let me take it first,okey?"

"Why not let me shower first,"she asked."I was tired,sweetie,you take it later,okey?"She was totally depressed.

On a morose day ,she found nothing to do and turned on his computer,a few words blurred her eyes...it was hs diary:

Today,I was quite sad,she asked me why I was always talking the bath first,and I said to her,I was exhausted.She was unhappy,in her mind,I treated her not as well as usual,but how can I do?I was nt as rich as before!We moved to the small apartment,there was only a shower in such a freezing winter.But I found that if one person took the shower first,the room could get a litter warm,so every time I rushed to the bathroom first.I was thingking that,when she took the shower,the room would get warmer,at least1℃,2℃or 3℃


Now I can't give her comfortable life,bring her the luxur restaurant,buy expensive dressesfor her,but at least,I can give her 1℃love







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