英语名著经典片段摘抄 经典小学英语小笑话摘抄




A pair of honeymooners checked into the Watergate Hotel in Washington,D. C. That night,as the husband was about to turn off the light, his bride asked,"Do you think this room is bugged?"

英语名著经典片段摘抄 经典小学英语小笑话摘抄


"That was a long time ago, sweetheart,”he reassured her.


"But what if there’s a microphone somewhere? I'd he so embarrassed.”


So the groom searched under the tables and behind the pictures. Then he turned back the nig. Sure enough,there was a funny一looking gizmo in the floor. He took out the screws, got rid of the hardware,and climbed into bed.


The next morning the newly weds were awakened by a hotel clerk who wanted to know if they had slept well.


"We did,” replied the groom." Why do you ask?"


"It’s rather unusual.” The clerk answered, "last night the couple in the room below yours had a chandelier fall on them.”




Mr. Robinson had to travel somewhere on business,and as he was in a hum, he decided to travel by plane. He liked a window seat when he was flying, so when he got on to the plane, and looked for a window seat. He found all of them had already been taken except for one, and a soldier sat beside the empty seat. Mr. Robinson was surprised that the soldier had not taken the one by the windows but, anyway, he at once went towards it.


When he reached it, however, he saw that there was notice on it. It was written in ink and said: "this seat is preserved for load balance, thank you.” Mr. Robinson had never seen such an unusual notice in a plane before, but he thought that the plane must have been carrying something particularly heavy in it, so he walked on and found another empty seat,not beside a window, to sit in.


Two or three people tried to sit in the window seat beside the soldier, but they too read the notice and went on,When the plane was nearly full,a very beautiful girl hurried into the plane. The soldier, who was watching the passengers coming in,quickly took the notice off the seat beside him and in this way succeeded in having the company of the girl during the whole trip.




During a trip to Japan, my friend and I stayed in an inexpensive hotel. After an exhausting day,we returned to our lodgings, tired and thirsty. We asked at the front desk in English to have two 7Ups sent to our room.


The drinks never came, so we went to bed, early the next morning, the desk clerk phoned: "morning call,seven up.”



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/249161/915243560.html


围城精彩片段摘抄 围城经典片段摘抄

围城经典片段摘抄: 他引一句英国古话,说结婚仿佛金漆的鸟笼,笼子外面的鸟想住进去,笼内的鸟想飞出来;所以结而离,离而结,没有了局。法国也有这么一句话。不过,不说是鸟笼,说是被围困的城堡,城外的人想冲进去,城里的人想逃出来。 远别虽非等于死

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