Mame Thurber, the mother of humorist James Thurber, was a renowned practical joker. In her 60s, she went to visit a friend she had not seen for 30 years. The plan was for Mrs. Thurber to wear a red rose so that the friend could identify her at the railroad station. When Mrs. Thurber arrived, she noticed a very old woman asleep on a bench, pinned the rose on her, and stepped back to watch. The friend arrived, stared in disbelief and shook the woman until she awoke. "Why, Mame Thurber," said she to the uncomprehending stranger, "how are you? You're looking just fine!"
马梅·瑟伯是幽默大师詹姆士·瑟伯的母亲。她是位享有盛誉的搞怪大王。60多岁的时候,她去拜访一位30年未见的朋友。 根据安排,瑟伯太太要戴一枝红玫瑰,那么朋友就能在火车站认出她。瑟伯太太到那里时,注意到长椅上睡着一个老太太,于是她把玫瑰捌在她身上,就退后观察。她的朋友来了,难以置信地盯着那个老太太,直到把她。“哦,马梅·瑟伯,”她对那个满头雾水的陌生人说道,“你还好吗?你看起来真不错!”
简短的幽默英语故事:A Nail or a Fly
One day an old gentleman whose eyesight was failing came to stay in a hotel room with a bottleof wine in each hand. On the wall there was a fly which he took for a nail. So the moment hehung them on it, the bottles fell broken and the wine spilt all over the floor. When a waitressdiscoverd what had happened, she showed deep sympathy for him and decided to do him afavor.
So the next morning when he was out taking a walk in the roof garden, she hammered a nailexactly where the fly had stayed.
Now the old man entered his room. The smell of the spilt wine reminded him of the accident.When he looked up at the wall, he found the fly was there again! He walked to it carefully andslapped it with all his strength. On hearing a loud cry, the kind-hearted waitress rushed in. Toher great surprise, the poor old man was there sitting on the floor, his teeth clenched and hisright hand bleeding!
简短的幽默英语故事:Our Tails
The lecture on evolution had been going on for nearly two hours. After drinking some water,then the lecturer started again, "Let me ask the evolutionist a question-if we had tails like ababoon, where are they?"
"I'll venture an answer," said an old lady. "We have worn them off sitting here so long."
简短的幽默英语故事:A Secret of Long Life
Grandpa was celebrating his 100th birthday, and everyone was complimenting him on how wellhe looked.

"I'll tell you the secret," he said, "My wife and I were married seventy-five years ago. On ourwedding night we made a pledge that whenever we had a fight, the one who was proved wrongwould go out and take a walk. I have been in the open air continuously for the past seventy-fiveyears."