全英文幼儿英语教案 幼儿英语教案范文




1、 学习新句型“what do you have?I have……”并尝试结合以前所学的学习用品的单词来进行表达;

2、 大胆和同伴一起用新句型对话。

Teaching Aids:

每人一个小书包,一件小围裙,(jy135幼儿教育 www.jy135.com)小熊木偶一个。



T:Good morning,boys and girls!We will begin our cla .Are you ready?(yes!)Let’s sing a song.(Hello song)


Tlease close your eyes.One two three.Open your eyes.What’s this?(老师拿出来一只书包)

S:It’s a bagpack.

T:Yes.It’s a bagpack.It’s Teddy’s bagpack.Gue !What’s in the bagpack?

S:It’s a pencil.(book pencil-box ru er)

T儿歌)What do you have?What’s do you have?

Teddy:Gue .Gue .Gue !

T:I don’t know.I don’t know.

Teddy:I have a book.I have a book.

(pencil,pencil-box,ru er)


Teddy: Have you a bagpack?Please open your bagpack.What do you have?What do you have?

T and S:Gue .Gue .Gue !

Teddy:I don’t know.I don’t know.

T and s:I have a book(pencil,pencil-box,ru er)

T:You can find a friend and ask eachother:“What do you have?”

Tet’s play a game.When the music begin,you music find a friend and stand back to back.When the music sto ,you need to turn around and ask “What do you have?”The another one anwser“I have a……”(学习用品事先已经放在小围裙里)

Tet’s sing a song.(改编自hello song)

(歌词)Hi,hello.How are you?I’m fine.I’m fine.What do you have?I have a(pencil pencil-box ru er book).How are you!How are you!

T:You are very good!See you next time.Byebye.




2、能听懂并能基本地说出新单词:Bell Candy Snow Gift.





3、单词卡片:Bell Snow Gift Candy.



6、音乐:《Jingle bells》《Edelweiss》《We wish you a Merry Christmas》


全英文幼儿英语教案 幼儿英语教案范文

一、Warming up:

1、放音乐《Jingle bells》,教师带领幼儿舞蹈欢快地入场。

2、Greeting: “Good morning boys and girls! Nice to meet you! How are you today? Do you know what festival is coming?”

3、Introducing new:


Story: The Christmas is coming soon. At this time the Santa clams will bring a big bag. There are many bell Candy Gift in it. At the Christmas eve, The Santa Claws will dashing through the snow and jump into the chimney. He puts the gift on your bed.(教师有表情、动作地讲述故事,同时在讲到单词部分时出示单词卡片。)

T: “What’s in the bag?”(教师带领幼儿,看着图片说一遍单词。)


T: “Tonight is Christmas eve. The Santa Claws is very busy. So he gives oat the gifts to you by Miss Chen.”

T: “OK! Let me see what’s in the box. Can you Guess?”(教师充满神秘感地让幼儿猜猜实魔术盒里都有什么,教师一个个出示实物揭晓答案。)


教师揭晓答案后,看哪个幼儿表现得好就把礼物给他。等幼儿得到(jy135幼儿教育 www.jy135.com)礼物后把它放到后面的篮子里。

6、Little Game:《Listen and speak》


7、De curate the Christmas tree




T: This is a magic Christmas tree. We must say “Merry Christmas”, It will be very beautiful.”

(师幼一起说“Merry Christmas”,树上的灯就亮起来。)

放音乐《We wish you a Merry Christmas》师幼围着树一起愉快地结束活动。



1、让孩子学会儿歌Four big apples,让幼儿对儿歌感兴趣。

2、认识新单词Chair和句子On the chair。


图片(apple strawberry cherry pineapple grapes)一张椅子,四个苹果。


1、Greeting(问候语):Sing the “Hello” song.

A say Good afternoon to boys and girls.

2、Warming up (热身运动)

Sing “Walking” song and do “Ten little Judi an” song

3、Reviewing activities(复习单词)

Stanberry Cherry Pineapple Grippes Iemon)

4、Learn new

Chair and on the chair(Chair chair chair)由高到低念,把苹果放在椅子上引导下个句子On the chair.

5、Introducing hero.

(1)apple 教师把已装有苹果的盒子神秘地拿到小朋友面(jy135幼儿教育 www.jy135.com)前,让幼儿有探索的欲望。

T: Look! What’s this?

C: Box.

T: Yes, A box.

T: what’s fruit in the box? Do you know, let’s guess.(Apple?Yes or No? watermarked? Oh, Oh….)

“Oh, It’s an apple”(教师试范)

……ding ding ding they are apples.

T: Do you like apples?

C: Yes, I like apples.

T: Hun,The smell is good.拿到小朋友面前,Smell it and then it

T: Who want to try?(继续拿出椅子的苹果)

T: OK, Now all apples are here, Let me put them on the chair. Now, Look the chair on the chair. Follow me ,one big apple on the chair.(让幼儿跟着念一直把四个苹果全放在一椅子上面)

T: OK, Let’s learn a a new song.

Four big apples on the chair.

One for you and one for me.

Two big apples on the chair.

One for you and one for me.

No more apples on the chair.

No more apples on the chair.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/248261/338556588.html


英语900句(英音版和美音版)音频和译文 英语口语900句音频


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