中英文对照英语阅读网 中英对照英语笑话阅读



an ogden, iowa, minister was matching coins with a member of his congregation(集会) for a cup of coffee. when asked if that didn't constitute gambling, the minister replied, "it's merely a scientific method of determining just who is going to commit an act of charity."

中英文对照英语阅读网 中英对照英语笑话阅读


philosopher bertrand russell, asked if he was willing to die for his beliers, replied: "of course not. after all, i may be wrong."


a newspaper organized a contest for the best answer to the question: "if a fire broke out in the louvre, and if you could only save one painting, which one would you carry out?"



the winning reply was: "the one nearest the exit."



Business just started开张大吉

A young businessman had just started his own firm.


He rented a beautiful office and had it furnished with antiques.


Sitting there, he saw a man come in to the outer office.


Wishing to appear the hot shot, the businessman picked up the phone and started to pretend he had a big deal working.


He threw huge figures around and made giant commitments. Finally he hung up and asked the visitor,


"Can I help you?" The man said, "Yeah, I've come to activate your phone lines."



Mark Twain's Tie


Returning from a visit with Harriet Beecher Stowe one day, Mark Twain was reprimanded by his wife for having forgotten to wear a necktie.


Some time later a messenger arrived at Mrs. Stowe's door with a small package.Inside was a black necktie and a brief note: "Here is a necktie. Take it out and look at it. I think I stayed half an hour this morning without this necktie. At the end of that time, will you kindly return it, as it the only one I have. Mark Twain."



Logic reasoning


A fourth-grade teacher was giving her pupils a lesson on logic.


"Here is the situation," she said.ua man is standing up in a boat in the middle of a river, fishing. He loses his balance,falls in, and begins splashing and yelling for help. His wife hears the commotion.knows that he can't swim,and runs down to the bank. Why do you think she ran to the bank ?" A girl raised her hand and asked, "to draw out all of his savings ?"



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励志名言中英文对照 乔布斯中英对照励志名言

   乔布斯中英对照励志名言  1.Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water or do you want a chance to change the world?  你想用卖糖水来度过余生,还是想要一个机会来改变世界?  2.Deat

英语语法中英文对照 英语语法术语中英对照

英语语法术语中英对照1. 语法 grammar2. 句法 syntax3. 词法 morphology4. 结构 structure5. 层次 rank6. 句子 sentence7. 从句 clause8. 词组 phrase9. 词类 part of speech10. 单词 word11. 实词 notional word12.

四级美文 中英文对照 英文朗诵美文中英对照

自落实规范办学、严格控制学生在校时间以来,诸多学校取消了传统的 晨读课 ,朗诵教学失掉了一块重要阵地。下面是小编带来的中英对照英文朗诵美文,欢迎阅读!中英对照英文朗诵美文篇一I'll always be there for you我永远都会在你

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