英文诗歌欣赏 关于秋的英文诗歌欣赏



A Fall Song

by Ellen Robena Field

Golden and red trees

Nod to the soft breeze,

As it whispers, "Winter is near;"

And the brown nuts fall

At the wind's loud call,

For this is the Fall of the year.

Good-by, sweet flowers!

Through bright Summer hours

You have filled our hearts with cheer

We shall miss you so,

And yet you must go,

For this is the Fall of the year.

Now the days grow cold,

As the year grows old,

And the meadows are brown and sere;

Brave robin redbreast

Has gone from his nest,

For this is the Fall of the year.

I do softly pray

At the close of day,

That the little children, so dear,

May as purely grow

As the fleecy snow

英文诗歌欣赏 关于秋的英文诗歌欣赏

That follows the Fall of the year.


Autumn Fires

by Robert Louis Stevenson

In the other gardens

And all up the vale,

From the autumn bonfires

See the smoke trail!

Pleasant summer over

And all the summer flowers,

The red fire blazes,

The grey smoke towers.

Sing a song of seasons!

Something bright in all!

Flowers in the summer,

Fires in the fall!



Thomas Ernest Hulme


A touch of cold in the Autumn night


I walked abroad, And saw the ruddy moon lean over a hedge Like a red faced farmer.

见一轮红月倚在树篱上, 如同一个红脸膛的农夫。

I did not stop to speak, but nodded, And round about were the wistful stars

我没有停下来说话,只点了点头, 周围是沉思的繁星,

With white faces like town children.



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