Once upon a time, there was a boy called Narcissus. He was the son of a god and he was very, very handsome. Many women fell in love with him, but he turned them away. One of the women who loved Narcissus was a nymph called Echo. Echo could not speak properly - she could only repeat what was said to her, so she couldn't tell Narcissus that she loved him. One day, when Narcissus was walking in the woods with some friends, he became separated from them. He called out "Is anyone here?" Echo replied "Here, Here". Echo stepped forward with open arms, wanting to cuddle him. But Narcissus refused to accept Echo's love. Echo was so upset that she left and hid in a cave, until nothing was left of her, except her voice.
The Maiden, a goddess, found out about this, and she was very angry. She made Narcissus fall in love with himself. When Narcissus looked at his reflection in a pond one day, he fell in love. He stayed on that spot forever, until he died one day. Where he died a flower grew, and that flower is called a Narcissus.
A young father asked an elderly neighbor how strict parents should be with their children.
The old man pointed to a rope between a big tree and a young one, saying:"Untie the rope."
The young father did so and at once the young tree bent. Then the old man asked the youngman to tie it again, and immediately the young tree stod upright as it used to.
Now the old man said,"There, it is the same with children. You must be strict with them fortheir healthy growth. But sometimes you must let them stand alone to see if they are strongenough. Being strict with them is for the sake of their independence development."
“What are you busy with yourself, Mother?” the girl of less than six years old asked her mothercuriously.
“Making dinner for the neighbor’s aunt.”
“Because the other day the aunt lost her dear daughter and is so sad now. We must take goodcare of her these days.”
“Why need our care?’

“Because from then on the aunt cannot do what they liked to along with her daughter. She isvery pitiful. In her distress, making dinners and doing chores are also becoming so difficult. Mydear, can you help Mother hit an idea to help the aunt in other ways?”
At her mother’s proposal, the girl thought for a long while. All of a sudden, she went to theneighbor and knocked at the door.
The neighbor with a look of haggardness and tiredness opened the door.
“What can I do for you?” asked the neighbor.
“I heard my mother say you’re very distressed for losing your daughter…” The girl timidlyhanded the band-aid tightly held in her hand to the neighbor.
The neighbor suddenly choked with sobs, her tears gushing from her eyes. She hugged the girland said, “Thank you. This band-aid will cure my wound.”