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The Fighting Téméraire

It was eight bells ringing,

For the morning watch was done,

And the gunner's lads were singing

As they polished every gun.

It was eight bells ringing,

And the gunner's lads were singing,

For the ship she rode a-swinging,

As they polished every gun.

Oh! to see the linstock lighting,

Téméraire! Téméraire!

Oh! to hear the round shot biting,

Téméraire! Téméraire!

Oh! to see the linstock lighting,

And to hear the round shot biting,

For we're all in love with fighting

On the fighting Téméraire.

It was noontide ringing,

And the battle just begun,

When the ship her way was winging,

As they loaded every gun.

It was noontide ringing,

When the ship her way was winging,

And the gunner's lads were singing

As they loaded every gun.

There'll be many grim and gory,

Téméraire! Téméraire!

There'll be few to tell the story,

Téméraire! Téméraire!

There'll be many grim and gory,

There'll be few to tell the story,

But we'll all be one in glory

With the Fighting Téméraire.

There's a far bell ringing

At the setting of the sun,

And a phantom voice is singing

Of the great days done.

儿童优美诗歌朗诵大全 英文优美诗歌朗诵大全

There's a far bell ringing,

And a phantom voice is singing

Of renown for ever clinging

To the great days done.

Now the sunset breezes shiver,

Téméraire! Téméraire!

And she's fading down the river,

Téméraire! Téméraire!

Now the sunset's breezes shiver,

And she's fading down the river,

But in England's song for ever

She's the Fighting Téméraire.


The Toy Band

A Song of the Great Retreat

Dreary lay the long road, dreary lay the town,

Lights out and never a glint o' moon:

Weary lay the stragglers, half a thousand down,

Sad sighed the weary big Dragoon.

"Oh! if I'd a drum here to make them take the road again,

Oh! if I'd a fife to wheedle, Come, boys, come!

You that mean to fight it out, wake and take your load again,

Fall in! Fall in! Follow the fife and drum!

"Hey, but here's a toy shop, here's a drum for me,

Penny whistles too to play the tune!

Half a thousand dead men soon shall hear and see

We're a band!" said the weary big Dragoon.

Rubadub! Rubadub! Wake and take the road again,

Wheedle-deedle-deedle-dee, Come, boys, come!

You that mean to fight it out, wake and take your load again,

Fall in! Fall in! Follow the fife and drum!"

Cheerly goes the dark road, cheerly goes the night,

Cheerly goes the blood to keep the beat;

Half a thousand dead men marching on to fight

With a little penny drum to lift their feet.

Rubadub! Rubadub! Wake, and take the raod again,

Wheedle-deedle-deedle-dee, Come, boys, come!

You that mean to fight it out, wake and take your load again,

Fall in! Fall in! Follow the fife and drum!

As long as there's an Englishman to ask a tale of me,

As long as I can tell the tale aright,

We'll not forget the penny whistle's wheedle-deedle-dee

And the big Dragoon a-beating down the night,

Rubadub! Rubadub! Wake and take the road again,

Wheedle-deedle-deedle-dee, Come, boys, come!

You that mean to fight it out, wake and take your load again,

Fall in! Fall in! Follow the fife, and drum!



I remembered that is wonderful as soon as flickers:

Appeared you in mine front,

Some like appears briefly fantasy,

Has like the chaste America's angel.

In that hopeless sad suffering,

Makes noise in that in ostentatious life puzzle,

Nearby my ear for a long time is making a sound your gentlesound,

I also see your lovable beautiful figure in the sleep.

Many years have passed by, storm smile

Has scattered the former days dream,

Thereupon I have put behind your gentle sound,

Also has your that angel resembles the beautiful figure.

In the remote place, in the gloomy life which imprisons,

My day such calmly dissipates,

The insincere person, does not have the poem the inspiration,

Without the tear, does not have the life, also does not havethe love.

Now the mind starts to regain consciousness:

By now has reappeared in front of me you,

Has illusory image which like appears briefly,

Has like the chaste America's angel.

My heart in is wild with joy jumps,

In heart all reregain consciousness,

Had the sincere person, had the poem inspiration,

Had the life, had the tear, also had the love.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/247161/216292515.html


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