模具个人简历模板 模具专业的英语简历_模具行业的个人英语简历




Sexual don't: male

Date of birth: April

Graduate years: in July 2012

The highest degree: bachelor degree

Graduate college: taiyuan university of science and technology

The professional: material forming and control engineering

In living ground: Shanxi Province

Job profile/job objective

Position type: full-time

Expected monthly salary: negotiable

Expected location: sichuan province

Expected position: mould design or related position mould manufacturing or related position sales representative

Introduces himself: I work conscientiously, treats people with sincerity, dares to innovate, like self-study, a strong team cooperation ability, adapting ability, practical ability and analysis ability, have a solid professional (mould design and manufacturing) theoretical basis, and can be the operation of skilled Word, Excel and other office software and CAD, Pro/E and other mapping software. Just above, I choose engaged in mould design, mould manufacture and mould related work, will himself in the school learn theoretical knowledge make full use of to work in practice, efforts will work better.

Working experience/social practice experience

Time work position

In October 2011 - in October 2011, China yituo group co., LTD., citic heavy industry machinery co., LTD. Interns

In July 2011 - September 2011 chengdu economic and technical schools, southwest university of petroleum from tests the chengdu economic technical school teaching school telephone operator


Name: xxx

Sex: Male

Date of birth: 1984-12-23 marital status: confidential

Nationality: Guangdong Province, the nation: Han

Height: 170CM political landscape: members

Education: college graduation time: March 2006

Residence: place of residence is in Heyuan, Guangdong: Shanghai

Occupational Overview / job interest

Are engaged in the industry: Heavy Electrical Machinery Manufacturing is engaged in Occupation: industrial / factory class

Level posts are: intermediate positions (for more than two years work experience) Work Experience: 3 years

Current salary: Overseas work experience: No

Expectations of the nature of work: full-time work in the region look forward to: Shenzhen, Dongguan, Guangdong

Expect to engage in the industry: look forward to engaging in Occupation: Mold Engineer

Salary expectations:到岗time: 2 weeks

Self-evaluation / career goals

Self-evaluation: 2006.03-2006.11 fitter to do the manufacturing sector is responsible for mold processing, group legislation to test mode, maintenance mode, etc. (mainly engaged in the products: Notebook, LCD-TV, printer, DVD, mobile phone. And other parts) has been engaged in mold 2006.11 is mainly responsible for the design of open-mode analysis, the review mode, 3D拆模, 3D Group legislation, 2D tagging, review test mode, maintenance mode set OK change to mold the whole process of production, at the same time to participate in technical training tool. The main design of automotive interior parts, handrails, chair mold. precision molds are HP, TOSHIBA, DELL, ASUS, Samsung, Compal / Notebook, GPS navigation systems, printers, LCD TVs. the mold design and other products. Including internal decoration mold (IMR% 26IMF) mold, rapid warming (RHCM) mold and mold bijective. NoteBook PC with mobile phone ﹑ ﹑ ﹑ GPS navigator die structure such as electronic products.

Career goals: I hope they can build for the future of the sky more blue to the top of the pyramid forward

Educational background

School Name: Zhangjiajie Vocational and Technical School of Aviation Industry (September 2001 - 2006 6 months)

Professional Name: Mold Design and Manufacturing Education: tertiary

Location: Zhangjiajie certificate:

Professional Description: The main learning tool in the schools expertise and ability to do the operation, the curriculum included the design and manufacture of tooling, engineering mechanics, materials science, metal technology, CNC machining, etc., achieved outstanding results in school, performed well, and actively participate in some social activities and school activities, which has won Zhangjiajie Vocational and Technical School of Aviation Industry Computer-aided mold design second prize.

Work experience

Company Name: on Haida Xin Electronics Co., Ltd. (March 2006 - present)

Industry: Heavy Electrical Machinery Manufacturing Company nature: wholly foreign-owned. Foreign Office

Size: 200 ~ 500 Location: Shanghai

Job Title: Tooling Design Engineer

Job Description: Mold design work to engage in open mode is mainly responsible for analysis, the review mode, 3D拆模, 3D Group legislation, 2D tagging, review test mode, maintenance mode for change to mold the whole process of production OK

模具个人简历模板 模具专业的英语简历_模具行业的个人英语简历

Language ability

Grasp the extent of Language name

English General

Mandarin Chinese well



国籍: 中国

目前所在地: 广州

民族: 汉族

户口所在地: 阳江

身材: 173 cm?60 kg

婚姻状况: 未婚

年龄: 21 岁




人才类型: 普通求职

应聘职位: 市场销售/营销类:业务员 市场/行销推广策划专员 市场销售/营销类

工作年限: 0

职称: 无职称

求职类型: 全职

可到职- 随时

月薪要求: 面议

希望工作地区: 广州 广州

个人工作经历: 2007年7月至8月 南方都市报 销售员 兼职

2006年7月至9月 东莞市玩具厂 装配工作 暑假工

2007年11月至2008年1月 广州逸进贸易公司 业务员

2007年过年期间 干海产销售 个人经营


毕业院校: 广州市技师学院

最高学历: 中专

毕业- 2008-07-01

所学专业一: 模具制造与数控技术


受教育培训经历: 2003年9月至2008年7月 广州市技师学院 模具制造与数控技术


外语: 英语 良好

国语水平: 精通

粤语水平: 精通







爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/246761/985363369.html


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