黑板报版面设计图 小学生英语黑板报设计图


英语黑板报设计图:我想要糖果 I Want Candy

I love to eat candy so much, I like the sweet flavor and its colorful appearance. I always ask my mother to buy me all kinds of candy, but she refuses all the time, she says eating too much candy is not good for my health. What she says is true, my teeth ache when I eat too much candy, so I learn the lesson and won’t eat candy all the time.


黑板报版面设计图 小学生英语黑板报设计图


英语黑板报设计图:快递的优势 The Advantages of Express Deliver

As the development of computer, people count on computer so much, now most businesses are done online, trading online saves people a lot of time and it is very convenient. As more and more people choose to shop online, there comes the relative services, the most important one is express deliver. Many years ago, express deliver is not that popular, now it becomes the main tool for people to receive online products. Express deliver is very fast, the companies make the promise that the customers can get their products in three days. Many years ago, people can get their things in a week, now express deliver shorten the time. What’s more, the express deliver can deliver the products to the customers’ homes, people don’t have to go out, how convenient it is. I like to use express deliver, it facilitates my life and saves me a lot of time.


英语黑板报设计图:如何道歉? How to Apologize?

There is an old saying that no one is perfect, so everyone will make mistake sometimes, though we want to do best. When we make mistake, we must say sorry to others, for the purpose of showing our regret, so that they will forgive us and continue to keep in touch with us. Some people think apologize will lose their faces, so they choose not to say sorry. A wise person will make apologize in a natural way and let the past be past, the good way to apologize can help people feel easy. People can find the chance to apologize when they are having communication, they can make the topic about apologize and then saying that he is sorry about what he have done, so everything will seem easy. Apologizing will promote people’s communication and keep their friendship. So don’t feel losing face, just admit what you have done wrong.

有一句老话叫“没有人是完美的”,因此每个人都会偶尔犯下错误,虽然我们都想做到最好。当我们犯错误的时候,我们必须和别人道歉,以此来展现我们的悔意,这样人们就会原谅我们,继续和我们保持联系。一些人觉得道歉会让他们丢脸,因此他们选择不道歉。一个明智的人会用自然的方法来道歉,让过去的成为过去,好的道歉方法能让人们感到自在。人们可以在聊天的时候找到道歉的 ,他们可以转到道歉的话题,然后说对自己所造成的伤害表示不好意思,这样一切都会看起来轻松。道歉能促进人们间的交流和保持友谊。所以不要感到丢脸,用于承认自己的错误。


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