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Despite the time difference between China and Europe,Chinese online businesses were abuzz about Italy`s tightdefense against Spain in the early hours of Mondaymorning in the Euro 2012 championship as die-hardfootball fans stayed up late for the match.


"The results might determine which national flag weshould keep more of in stock," said Xie Hui, an onlinevendor on Taobao.com, a popular customer-to-customer site in China.


As fans all over the world celebrate the championship in a great global party, e-commerce retailersare embracing the football spirit, doing a roaring trade in colorful national flags, kits and trophies.


Xie`s online store is an array of tournament merchandise, ranging from classy to kitschy, and fromcheap to cheekily expensive.


The mantra, according to Xie, is: if you cannot get to a Euro 2012 game in person, you can now get aflavor of the world`s top competition via my website.


"Anything with a number 7 on it is selling like hot cakes," he said referring to the shirt worn byPortuguese star Cristiano Ronaldo.


"Every time we replenish the stock, the next morning we`re sold out by 11 am," he said.


The term "European Cup" was firmly on Taobao`s list of "hot topics" by Monday, with the search termshowing up more than 54,000 times.


Sales of football kits across the Web have rocketed, as avid fans tend to wear the same jerseys astheir favorite teams.


Kits for the Spanish team have been the biggest seller, with more than 5,000 being sold in the pastmonth, according to Taobao. Sales of German, Italian, French and Portuguese kits all topped 3,000.


It would seem that the beer culture which developed during the 2010 World Cup is set to get evenbigger, said football fan Zou Tianliang.


Zou is enamored with the beverage and plans to shop online. His enthusiasm stems from anaffection for the drink and a desire to get discounted goods online, he said.


Pinlive, a beer and snacks retailer on Tmall.com, China`s biggest business-to-consumer website, sawits beer sales surge as the event drew near.


It started a promotion for the tournament two weeks ago by selling beer at discounts of 20 to 30percent, said Robin Yue, who is responsible for operating Pinlive`s online store.


He said that Pinlive`s beer sales over the past two weeks were up to five times the normal level.


"Beer is an indispensable part of the soccer culture. I might go to the pub for the final," Zou said.


Foosball, also known as table football, until recently a rarity in China, has grown in popularityamong online buyers, including the many bars across the country.


Over 20,000 foosball sets were sold on Taobao in May. An online merchant from Guangdongprovince sold more than 300 sets, priced between 105 and 118 yuan.


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Foosball has become a game-changer for many bars.


"Customer flow has jumped by five times, and most were immediately attracted to the gadgets," saidZhang Na, sales manager of O`Malley`s Irish Pub in Shanghai.



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