小学生英语故事阅读 小学生二年级英语故事阅读


小学生英语故事阅读 小学生二年级英语故事阅读

小学生二年级英语故事:How Can I Pay You


One day, a poor man is taking a bag of rice to a town. The rice is on the back of his horse but it falls down. The rice is too heavy to lift and he doesn’t know what to do. He only hopes someone can give him some help.


After a while, a man riding a horse comes. But he is a rich man living nearby. The poor man hopes another farmer will come. But the rich man sees him and says to him, “You need my help, right?” And he helps the poor man lift the rice onto the horse’s back.


“Sir, how can I repay you?” the poor man says.


“It’s easy, when you see anyone else in trouble, do the same for him.”


小学生二年级英语故事:A History Question


The history teacher is having a lesson, but Tom is thinking about other things. The teacher asks, “Tom, do you know who is the first president of the United States?” Tom stands up, but he can’t answer this question.


So the teacher gets angry and shouts, “George Washington!” Tom sits down. “Stand up!” the teacher says angrily, “I don’t let you sit down.” “Oh, I’m sorry,” says Tom, “I thought you called another student.”


小学生二年级英语故事:Quarrel for a comb


There are two monks. They are not brothers but they live in the same house. Every morning they go out to look for some food.


One day, they go out very early. They are on a road to a village. It is too early and there are no people on the road. They are walking. Suddenly, they stop. There is a comb on the road near them. They are running up to it at the same time.


“I found it first. It is mine.” One of them says.


“No, I found it before you, so it isn’t yours, it’s mine.” The other says.


They sit on the road. They are quarrelling for the comb. Morning comes and then comes the afternoon. But they are still quarrelling.


A little boy comes up to them and says, “You are monks. Monks have no hair. What is the use of the comb for you?”



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小学生英语故事阅读 关于小学英语故事阅读素材

在小学英语教学的过程中故事教学在其中占据着非常重要的地位。儿童天生就有着好奇、乐于模仿的性格,小学英语故事教学正是迎合了孩子们这些特征。本文是关于小学英语故事阅读素材,希望对大家有帮助!关于小学英语故事阅读素材:The fo

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在英语教学中,把学生们对故事的喜爱引入学习中去,有利于小学英语的课堂教学,提高小学生的英语学习效率。本文是超简单的英语故事,希望对大家有帮助!超简单的英语故事:The Wedding GiftRay’s wedding had gone off without a hitch.

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